Viewing and deleting notifications

Viewing notifications

You can check the progress of any actions you have started, e.g. a large CSV upload, by viewing the Notifications page. It will show the status of the action (incomplete/complete), the total number of actions completed and the time that that action was completed

Click the notification icon at the top left of the screen

The notification page will open and you will see all activity that you have performed (either in progress, complete, or incomplete)

Handy Hint

The number to the top right of the notification icon is an indicator of the number of actions that you are running

Notification icon locationDeleting notifications

Notifications are not automatically deleted. You will need to check regularly for completed notifications that you do not need to track anymore and delete them yourself

To delete an old notification:

Use tick boxes to select notifications

Select the tick box to the left of the notification and click Delete




Last Reviewed Date 19/02/2020
Updated on 06/07/2022

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