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LA communication – 17 February 2022

Power BI data export restrictions

Dear Primary/Local Administrator/Power BI admins,

We are writing to you because your organisation has been identified as having Power BI users.

From 08 March 2022, NHSmail will be restricting the ability to export Power BI data to .csv or Microsoft Excel(.xlsx) for all users.

Therefore, by default, users within your organisation will be unable to export any Power BI data.

If after this date, a user in your organisation requires the capability to export Power BI data, please submit a request via Helpdesk and they will re-enable this.

Why are we doing this?

This action is being taken to reduce the risk of breaching data protection policy, as well as safety and security protocols.

What action do I need to take?

For Power BI Admins you may need to raise a ticket with the NHSmail Helpdesk on the users’ behalf if they require this functionality after 08 March. It would be recommended to proactively contact users ahead of this date.

For LA/PLAs this communication is for info only, Power BI Admins should be able to identify users before any issues occur, however, it may be worth briefing your local IT helpdesks.

For further information on Power BI tenant settings, please visit the link below.


If you have any further questions relating to this, please contact feedback@nhs.net and a Technical Architect will pick up your query.

Best wishes,

NHSmail Team

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Last Reviewed Date 22/02/2022
Updated on 05/01/2023
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