Microsoft 365 Alert : Service Degradation – Microsoft 365 suite – Users can’t leverage remote connections through Azure Communication Services (ACS) or connectors that leverage ACS – RESOLVED
15/08/2022 09:06:00 AM (BST)
Issue Reported : 12/08/2022 18:12:00 PM BST
Microsoft Reference : MO412707
Issue Status : RESOLVED
Issue Description : Users couldn’t leverage remote connections through Azure Communication Services (ACS) or connectors that leverage ACS.
More Info : Some examples of impacted service scenarios included:
– Joining or establishing remote help sessions through Microsoft Intune or Microsoft Managed Desktop
– Joining Microsoft Teams meetings through connectors that leverage ACS,
– Joining virtual appointments that utilize the Microsoft Teams Electronic Health Record (EHR) connector through Microsoft Booking and Microsoft Teams.
– Quick Assist and Remote Help features initiating a connection with the other party.
– Running Power Apps or Power Automate flows that utilize the Azure Communication Services SMS connector and receive a 401 or 500 error code.
Scope of impact : This issue was impacting any user leveraging remote connections through Azure Communication Services (ACS) or connectors that leverage ACS.
Final Update : 15/08/2022 09:06:00 AM – Microsoft has completed developing and deploying a fix to the affected infrastructure. They have confirmed with some affected users and via monitoring that impact has been remediated.
Root cause : A portion of infrastructure that facilitates Azure Access Control Service was performing below expectations and leading to impact.
Next steps: To help prevent similar impact in the future, Microsoft is further reviewing the underlying cause of the infrastructure performing below expectations.