Bird 1.0 Release – Content Summary
This NHSmail Portal release is named in honour of Jacqueline Bird, a former Regional Chief Nurse in the North West region, NHS England and NHS Improvement. This recognition is for services to nursing and the Covid-19 response.
Please find below a summary of the main content of the Bird 1.0 release which was deployed on 16th June 2022. To view the full release note for this release please see the PDF file at the end of this summary.
Portal Projects Functionality
- 58020 – VN 136: Turn MFA off for users that have not accepted AUP
As a part of this PBI MFA should be turned off for any new or existing users if the user has not accepted AUP.
- 58021 – VN 136: Turn MFA on where applicable when a user accepts the AUP
As a part of this PBI, MFA should be enabled as soon as the user accepts the AUP where any of the corresponding scenarios outlined below apply:
– As a non-admin user, when being added to a user policy where the MFA toggle is ON and when the user has accepted the AUP for the account, then the MFA setting should be enabled.
– As a non-admin user, when assigned an admin role on the portal and when the user has accepted the AUP for the account, then the MFA setting should be enabled.
– As a non-admin user, when added to an ATP group and when the user has accepted the AUP for the account, then the MFA setting should be enabled.
– As an admin user, when viewing a User Details page for a non-admin user and when this non-admin user has accepted the AUP for their account, then the “Enable Azure MFA” button should be enabled and clickable.
BAU Functionality
- 37594 – Enable MS Teams room on accounts
This PBI provides the ability for EXO Resource Mailboxes (RMB’s) to allocate/remove Microsoft Teams Room license from the portal.
- 56503 – B2B – Request External Organisation – Update to “Request Type” options & removal of approval step for Federation Group Creation
This PBI implements updates to External Organisation Request Type” dropdown options. These options have been renamed as follows:
– “B2B Guest User Access” option to “Guess Access Allow List”
– “B2B Azure Federated Group Access” to “Teams Federation Allow List”
- 54371 – Update Mailbox Size Statistics – Converting Total Item Size (Byte) and Total Deleted Item Size (Byte) Columns to show GB values
As part of this PBI two new columns in the Mailbox Report which shows converted values from Total Item Size (Byte) and Total Deleted Item Size (Byte) to GB values have been added.
- 54890 – Office 365 User Licence Allocation Report New Columns: User Status and AUP Status
As part of this change, new columns “Status” and “AUP Status” have been added to Office 365 User Licence Allocation Report and show the exact data when report is downloaded.
- 49901 – Add ‘Quota Used (%)’ to reflect percentage used based on mailbox size
As part of this PBI, a new field has been added called ‘Quota Used (%)’ in mailbox statistics on the user details page.
- 52164 – Teams User Activity Report new column ODSCode
As part of this PBI, a new column “ODS Code” has been added in the Teams User Activity Report.
- 56502 – Create Team (Non-Admin) – Update Wording to Business Justification Header
As part of this change, the limit of the Business Justification field has been increased to 250 characters while creating teams by a non-admin user.
- 49900 – Ability to import owners and members to shared, resource mailboxes via Portal screen
This PBI adds two new functionalities:
- Import and Export for Owners and Members in Shared mailboxes.
- Import and Export for Owners and Members in Resource mailboxes.
Admin users can import up to 100 Owners and 250 members, an error message will be produced if these limits are exceeded.
Note: This functionality only applies to admin users.
- 55448 – Reorder Admin Reports in alphabetical order
As part of this change, all the Reports will be in alphabetical order in the admin reports drop down.
- 52161 – Admin Organisation search filtering
As part of this PBI two changes have been introduced:
- A new column picker ‘ODS code’ has been added in the user management page.
- Provide returned results in alphabetical ordering making this more sortable and improve overall ordering of results.
- 53750 – Remove mandatory Title field from Contact creation
As a part of this PBI, the Title field has been made non-mandatory field in Contact create/edit pages.
- 53985 – Change SharePoint default locale setting from US to UK
As part of this PBI, the default locale settings of SharePoint will be set to UK.
Note: This change is applicable only to the newly created SharePoint sites and after this release. Existing sites will still have default setting to US which should be manually changed to UK.
- 54010 – Additions to User Mailbox Report
As a part of this PBI, four new columns have been added in the Mailbox report:
- Mailbox Size
- ODS Code
- User Policy Name
- Name of the Parent Organisation
- 49278 – Set Deny Add Custom pages on Create SharePoint site
As part of this PBI, a check box has been added in Share-point create and edit pages, where the eligibility to customize the SharePoint site is controlled by owner.
- 53822 – Increase DL approval limit to 500
As part of this PBI, the number of recipients that can be added to an Static Distribution List (SDL) at one time was increased from 250 to 500.
BAU Bug Fixes
- 57976 – York: MO: VN101: 46562: Audits are not captured when users are added to Delegate OneDrive access
After the fix Audits will be captured when Delegate OneDrive access is removed by the hangfire job.
- 53811 – User’s cannot be moved to other User Policies via their user profile if they have not accepted AUP
After the fix, Users should be able to move to other policies via user details page even if user AUP is not accepted.
- 50902 – Users who have self-enrolled for MFA are having MFA disabled by the system
After the fix, the users who have self-enrolled for MFA will be getting MFA prompt while logging to the portal.
- 54247 – User Policies cannot be updated at all and displays ‘There are only x ” Licences available for this organization’
After the fix, Users can add in user policy up to the capacity of user policy according to the licences.
- 44079 – SharePoint Quota cannot be increased via portal if the current usage has already reached the current maximum quota
After the fix, Users can update the SharePoint when its Storage Used is equal to SharePoint Quota.
- 47567 – DDL update failing due to timeout
After the fix, DDL update will be successful. There would not be any timeout issue occurring.
- 56091 – Adding User to User Policy with MFA toggled ON not assigning the On-Prem group – A_Azure_MFAUsers
After the fix, Users will be added to A_Azure_MFAUsers group when MFA toggle is on in a User Policy.
- 55449 – RemoveMailTipForActiveUsers Hangfire job not working
After the fix leaver MailTip will not be visible for active users in the portal.
To view the full release note please refer to the PDF file.