GP Locum Forensic Discovery Process


This support page details the process for requesting a forensic investigation for a GP Locum and is intended as guidance for a Forensic requester and the Responsible Officer who will approve or deny the request.

This process is limited to GP Locums who reside in the GP Locum container managed by the National Administration Service i.e., those that have GP Locum in brackets after their name.

Before proceeding with a forensic request, please first consult the NHSmail Data Retention & Information Management policy, Access to Data Procedure and if relevant Data Retention and Information Management Policy – Office 365 – NHSmail Support

Forensic Request Process

  1. The Forensic requestor should download and complete the forensic request form
  2. The Forensic requestor, having completed the form, should send it to the email address identified as the Responsible Officer of the GP Locum subject to the request ensure that you mark this as an ‘NHSmail Forensic Request’ in the subject line and for the attention of the Responsible Officer
  3. The Responsible Officer, having received a completed forensic request form, should evaluate, and decide if the forensic request is appropriate and proportionate, and therefore whether it should be approved.
    • If approved, the Responsible Officer should send the completed forensic request and state their approval to the National Administration Service (NAS) team:
    • If rejected, the Responsible Officer should respond directly to the forensic requestor stating why they cannot approve the forensic request
  1. If approved in step 3, the request will then be input by the NAS team and go on for final approval with the NHSmail team. Once approved the request will be actioned within 10 working days of approval.
Important Note

Forensic requests must come from an NHSmail mailbox and will only be processed when received with approval from the listed Responsible Officer.

Last Reviewed Date 22/02/2022


Updated on 05/07/2022

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