Important Information – Planned POP, IMAP & SMTP Change
28-04-2023 06:18:45 PM (BST)
As outlined in the Application guidance material, as part of the migration to Exchange Online – a Proxy component is being implemented to auto-re-direct POP, IMAP & SMTP connections based on account location. Further information can be found here.
The cutover of Internet traffic was successfully completed in December. Following the cutover some minor disruption was observed, which resulted in a small number of organisations having to use a temporary hostname. This has subsequently been resolved; any organisations using the temporary hostname will be contacted directly and asked to revert back to the correct POP or IMAP hostname.
The final part of the change, the cutover of HSCN traffic is due to be implemented on 18/01/2021. Testing with a number of selected organisations is on-going to validate that the change has no adverse impact to accounts using these protocols over HSCN. Should you experience any issues after the planned change – please raise a ticket with the NHSmail helpdesk referencing “Proxy HSCN” and include the below information.
- Accounts Impacted
- Protocol being used (POP, IMAP or SMTP)
- Hostname & Port being used
- Error Message (screenshot if possible)