Microsoft 365 Alert – Service Degradation – Microsoft Teams – Some users may be unable to download or delete meeting transcriptions in Microsoft Teams – RESOLVED

26/06/2024 12:52:00 PM

NHSmail Reference: INC43919462

Microsoft Reference: TM805438

Issue Status: RESOLVED

Issue Description: Users may be unable to download or delete meeting transcripts in Microsoft Teams.

Final Update: 26/06/2024 13:21:00 PM Microsoft deployed the fix to the affected environment and have confirmed that impact has been remediated.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to some users who are served through the affected infrastructure, attempting to download or delete meeting transcriptions in Microsoft Teams.

Root Cause: A recent standard service update inadvertently introduced a code regression, whereby meeting transcripts may fail to be uploaded into OneDrive SharePoint, preventing users from downloading or deleting them in Microsoft Teams.

Next steps: Microsoft are reviewing their standard update procedures to better identify similar issues during the development and testing cycles.

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