Microsoft 365 Alert – Service Degradation – Power BI – Users’ custom visuals appear blank in the Power BI service – RESOLVED

29/07/2024 08:58:00 AM

NHSmail Reference: INC44638912

Microsoft Reference: PB837061

Issue Status: RESOLVED

Issue Description: Users’ custom visuals appear blank in the Power BI service.

More info: This specifically impacts users leveraging the latest version of WebView2 (26.0.2592.113) for Microsoft Edge.

Final Update: 30/07/2024 08:55:00 AM Microsoft have monitored service telemetry and confirmed that the fix has saturated for all affected users. All users should have impact remediated without having to follow the four-step process outlined in our last Service health communication update.

Scope of impact: Your organization is impacted by this event, and users’ custom visuals appear blank in the Power BI service when using the latest version of WebView2 (26.0.2592.113) for Microsoft Edge.

Root cause: The latest version update of WebView2 (127.0.2651.74) for Microsoft Edge has resulted in impact.

Next steps: Microsoft are reviewing their update procedures to understand why impact to custom visuals wasn’t caught during the testing phase. This will allow us to drive service improvements by proactively identifying similar issues in the future and improve their update testing processes.

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