Microsoft 365 Alert – Service Degradation – Microsoft 365 suite – Users with Conditional Access Policies may be unable to access Microsoft 365 services and features – RESOLVED

31/05/2024 18:40:00 PM

Microsoft Reference: MO797366

Issue Status: RESOLVED

Issue Description: Users with Conditional Access Policies may have been unable to access Microsoft 365 services and features.

More info: Impact included, but wasn’t limited to, the following services:

– Exchange Online

– Outlook

– Microsoft Teams

Depending how admins configure the Conditional Access Policies, the impact could have manifested in multiple ways. For example, this issue could have caused a user block or trigger a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) prompt.

Final Update: 31/05/2024 18:40:00 PM – Microsoft confirmed that the revert has completed and validated this has remediated impact with affected users and service telemetry.

Scope of impact: This issue could have impacted any user or admin that leverages Conditional Access Policies for Microsoft 365 service access controls.

Root cause: A recent service change contained a code error that affected Conditional Access Policies, resulting in impact.

Next steps: Microsoft are continuing their review of the impacting update to better identify and prevent similar issues in the future.

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