Microsoft 365 Alert – Service Degradation – Microsoft 365 suite – Group Activity Reports may contain inaccurate metric data – RESOLVED

27/09/2023 10:55:00 AM (GMT)

NHSmail Reference : INC38532647

Microsoft Reference : MO677594

Issue Status : RESOLVED

Issue Description : Group Activity Reports may contain inaccurate metric data.

More info : Admins may notice the metrics in Group Activity Reports between Aug 15th, 2023 and Sep 24th, 2023 are inaccurate.

Final Update : 31/10/2023 08:25:00 AM Microsoft have successfully processed the remaining backlogged data and confirmed that impact has been remediated.

Scope of impact : Impact is specific to users who are being serviced throughout the affected infrastructure.

Root cause : A recent service update contained a code misconfiguration that is impacting the metric data for some reports.

Next steps : Microsoft will continue to monitor their service update validation process to ensure metric data for reports are correct to help prevent similar issues in the future.

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