Microsoft 365 Alert : Service degradation – Exchange Online – Delays or problems connecting to Exchange Online – RESOLVED

23/05/2022 08:17:00 AM (BST)

Issue Reported : 20/05/2022  04:20:00 PM UTC

Microsoft Reference : EX382775  

Issue Status : RESTORED

Issue Description : Users may have experienced problems connecting to Exchange Online due to network issues.

Scope of impact : This issue may have affected users whose access request for Exchange Online was routed through affected networking infrastructure.

Final Update : 23/05/2022 08:17:00 AM – While Microsoft were in the process of reviewing service health telemetry information to identify potential sources of impact, system monitoring indicated that the service had returned to normal health. Microsoft have confirmed that the problem is no longer occurring, and they will continue to monitor the service to ensure that the problem does not happen again.

Root cause : A recent feature update intended to improve sync responsiveness resulted in an increased amount of requests being processed at a suboptimal rate, resulting in impact.

Next steps : Microsoft will continue to monitor telemetry to ensure the service remains stable.

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