INC28890142 – Password Expiration Notification – RESOLVED

10/05/2022 11:30:00 AM (BST)

Issue Status: RESOLVED

Description: We are aware of an issue whereby end users are receiving multiple notifications that either their user mailbox password has expired, or the password has expired for an Application account they have admin responsibility for. Password Expiry Notifications should be sent out for those accounts where the password will expire within 14 days, and the notification should be sent once per day with a countdown in it until the password has been reset.

We are investigating why multiple notifications are being sent.

Final Update: 18/05/2022 02:06:00 PM – A hotfix was performed on the 16/05/2022 which has now rectified the issue. The issue has now been resolved.

To report any issues, please contact 0333 200 1133 /

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