Microsoft Alert: Service degradation – Microsoft Teams -Some users are unable to use the ‘@’ function to add attendees when scheduling a meeting on Microsoft Teams
16-02-2023 10:02:01 AM (GMT)
Issue Reported: 23/02/2021 9:16:00 AM
Microsoft Reference : TM241048
Issue Status: OPEN
Issue Description: Some users are unable to use the ‘@’ function to add attendees when scheduling a meeting on Microsoft Teams. As a workaround, users can utilize this functionality using the Microsoft Teams Web App.
Scope of impact: Any user attempting to perform this action on a Mac OS device may be impacted.
Current Update – 26/03/2021 4:29:00 PM: Microsoft identified that there was a code regression which was preventing the use of special characters within Microsoft Teams and therefore was not allowing users to add attendees to meetings. The fix is continuing to run a little slower than expected. Microsoft is continuing to monitor as the fix is safely implemented through change management process.