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LA Bulletin – 24 October 2019


Latest information on the NHSmail service including spoofing update, managing accounts in a closed organisation, deleting unwanted accounts, Skype for Business web application upgrade, Joiner Mover Leaver (JML) onboarding, Internet Protocol (IP) deny-listing, NHSmail customer satisfaction survey and latest portal release: mailbox usage.

Document information and downloads

  • NHSmail spoofing update
  • Managing accounts in a closed organisation
  • Deleting unwanted accounts
  • Skype for Business web application upgrade
  • Joiner Mover Leaver (JML) onboarding
  • Internet Protocol (IP) deny-listing
  • NHSmail customer satisfaction survey
  • Latest Portal release: mailbox usage

File type Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (.pdf)
File size 229 KB

Last Reviewed Date 24/10/2019
Updated on 29/06/2022
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