Microsoft 365 Alert – Service Degradation – Microsoft Intune – Users that haven’t setup multi-factor Authentication may be unable to enroll their device in Microsoft Intune – RESOLVED
02/05/2024 17:28:00 PM
Microsoft Reference: IT789727
Issue Status: RESOLVED
Issue description: Users may have been unable to set up Multi-Factor Authentication from the Internet Explorer 11 browser.
More info: This only impacted users attempting to setup Multi-Factor Authentication using Internet Explorer 11. Users could have utilized the Google Chrome browser to setup Multi-Factor Authentication
Final Update: 03/05/2024 08:49:00 AM – Microsoft reverted the offending update to the credentials manager and confirmed that impact is remediated.
Scope of impact: Any user that attempted to set up Multi-Factor Authentication in Microsoft Intune through Internet Explorer 11 was affected.
Root cause: A recent update to the credentials manager prevented users from setting up Multi-Factor Authentication from Internet Explorer 11.
Next steps: Microsoft are reviewing their update validation procedure to identify methods of improving the detection of similar code issues should they occur in the future.