Portal – Typhoon 1.0 Release


The Typhoon 1.0 Portal release was implemented as planned on the evening of 03/06/2021 with new functionality and bug fixes.

New Functionality


45680- EXO : Allotments API – Modify hangfire job to update licence subscriptions

This PBI facilitates updating the hangfire job ‘Update Subscription Details’ to account for new API to be released by MS, the new API will be used for new subscriptions following deployment, and existing subscriptions will continue to use the existing Get-MsolSubscriptions .

44456 – EXO : Update service bus library and associated code

As part of the replatforming of the NHSMail Portal, a migration from the on-prem Service Bus to the Azure Service Bus must be completed which means As a part of this PBI all the existing Microsoft.ServiceBus library will be replaced with the Azure Service Bus library.


47996- Care Provider self-service registration page changes

This PBI is implemented to change the ordering of the questionnaire in the Step 0 of care provider page and the tool tip changes in the subsequent steps.

47997- PODS- Allow social care self-registration with DSPT waiver

This PBI allow social care self-registration to proceed through even if DSPT question is selected as ‘No’ until the waiver period. The waiver period is set to 30/06/2021 as of now

Bug Fix


47777 – Typhoon: Create/Migrate : National Policy update is throwing error , when a member in it is NON-AUP accepted

This will apply to all the migrated users/ newly created EXO users whose AUP is not accepted. As a part of this fix now the national policy can be updated for all the users whose AUP is not accepted.

46472 – Sentry: INT1: 44400: Hangfire job for Security group takes more than 20 min on Dev2

As a part of the fix now the performance of the security hangfire job will be increased, and it will take less time to process the users per organisations while applying security group policies.

47491 – Sentry: MO: Regression: Include SDL in DDL: Mails sent are received by users other than target users

After the bug fix, the Mails should flow to specific members who are a part of the DDL even when the SDL is included in the rule builder.


34366 – Accounts cannot be created under organisations which contain the special characters – ODS Hangfire Job Bug

After the fix, organizations having special characters in the name will be added to the portal via ODS process without any special characters.

34372 – User Permissions tab results stuck loading

After the fix, the user permissions tab for SMBs, RMBs, static distribution lists, dynamic distribution lists etc. will be displayed without any error.

34973 – Authenticate User – Incorrect error return

The fix is to resolve invalid response from server when the user provides blank value in any of the security answers while authenticating the user from user details page

34988 – B2B – Cannot mark user as leaver if they are sponsor for external organisation request

After the fix, the user who is added as a sponsor to an external organization cannot be marked as a leaver, from the user edit page.

39405 – Teams Groups cannot be updated via the portal UI if they contain guest users (or non-nhs.net users)

After the fix, teams can be updated successfully, even if it contains guest users who were added via the tenant.

39700 – Teams – Duplicate results if you are LA of the Org and LA of the Parent

After the fix, the user will be able to view appropriate results without any duplicate results of teams.

43609 – Audit showing that DL has been deleted and is deleted in AD/exchange but still showing in portal

After the fix, the DL will be deleted from the search result and portal as soon the delete action is performed.

44079 – SharePoint Quota cannot be increased via portal if the current usage has already reached the current maximum quota

After the fix, the update button in SharePoint edit page will be disabled if current maximum quota has already reached.

44913 – Production: DL owners with local helpdesk role for the DL’s owning organization cannot export recipients under the admin tab

Users who only have ‘local helpdesk role’ cannot export recipients from the edit DL page, as the button will be disabled. The user will be able to export recipients if the user has a combination of roles.

44914 – When importing users to a user policy the error ‘User count should not exceed 5000’ is received

A fix is given to display the error message only when the user tries to import more than 5000 users in a user policy.

45057 – production database is showing incorrect ‘LastUpdated’ and ‘UpdatedBy’ values compared to the Portal audit when user accepts AUP

A fix has been provided to reflect correct values in both the fields as soon as user accepts AUP.

45379 – When creating users, if a valid password is not provided, the user’s UserAccountControl is set to 544

After the fix, the user will be created only when the valid password is provided which meets the criteria.

46666 – Virtual Visits Global Admin Organisation Search

A fix is given to fetch all the data in the blank search via global admin.

46861 – INT: on-premise RMB: Error message is seen when an email updated RMB or Transferred RMB is deleted.

A fix has been given to delete RMBs successfully after the email of RMB is updated or transferred to a different organization.

46965 – Timeout error when attempting to pull Office 365 user license allocation report extracts for multiple organisations at once

After the fix, the user will be able to download the O365 user licence allocation report for all organizations as well as single organization without any error.

47012 – MO: Teams blank search is not fetching the results

Teams were not loading in the Portal when blank search is performed, a fix has been put to rectify that.

45223 – Rangoon Prod: OneDrive consumption report is giving error

The fix has been given to improve the performance of the OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams activity reports.

47929 – Teams usage report error preventing data insert

The fix has been given to prevent error by reducing the batch size.

47762 – Misalignment caused by the special characters in the data

The fix has been given to resolve the misalignment issue in the Teams usage report due to special characters in some columns.

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