WEBVTT e35a0da4-4422-4d99-83ce-9f5ab7c80768-0 00:00:02.640 --> 00:00:06.451 Fairly self-explanatory on what this is going to cover, but just e35a0da4-4422-4d99-83ce-9f5ab7c80768-1 00:00:06.451 --> 00:00:10.087 to recap, this is going to be a session on NHSmail onboarding e35a0da4-4422-4d99-83ce-9f5ab7c80768-2 00:00:10.087 --> 00:00:13.840 and focusing on the the partners involved in migrations of data e35a0da4-4422-4d99-83ce-9f5ab7c80768-3 00:00:13.840 --> 00:00:17.007 onto the platform. Before we make a start, just a few e35a0da4-4422-4d99-83ce-9f5ab7c80768-4 00:00:17.007 --> 00:00:20.525 housekeeping rules. If everyone can stay on mute that'll be e35a0da4-4422-4d99-83ce-9f5ab7c80768-5 00:00:20.525 --> 00:00:24.220 appreciated. We will do question and answers at the end of the e35a0da4-4422-4d99-83ce-9f5ab7c80768-6 00:00:24.220 --> 00:00:27.679 presentation so we can save them to the end. That would be e35a0da4-4422-4d99-83ce-9f5ab7c80768-7 00:00:27.679 --> 00:00:31.432 wonderful. Cameras are optional as well, so if you are joining, e35a0da4-4422-4d99-83ce-9f5ab7c80768-8 00:00:31.432 --> 00:00:33.720 don't feel like you have to have yours 5c8fac6e-f5e1-44ef-9cd8-d2caca2eb169-0 00:00:33.790 --> 00:00:36.991 on. I've left mine purposefully off because I don't want to 5c8fac6e-f5e1-44ef-9cd8-d2caca2eb169-1 00:00:36.991 --> 00:00:40.245 distract away from what's being shared. The session is being 5c8fac6e-f5e1-44ef-9cd8-d2caca2eb169-2 00:00:40.245 --> 00:00:43.286 recorded and slides will be shared at the end. Thank you 5c8fac6e-f5e1-44ef-9cd8-d2caca2eb169-3 00:00:43.286 --> 00:00:43.819 very much. 28a48f9a-e669-471a-bca1-d80d142723a3-0 00:00:46.780 --> 00:00:50.631 So welcome to the session. A quick overview of the agenda and 28a48f9a-e669-471a-bca1-d80d142723a3-1 00:00:50.631 --> 00:00:54.732 what we're gonna cover. So we're gonna give a very brief recap of 28a48f9a-e669-471a-bca1-d80d142723a3-2 00:00:54.732 --> 00:00:58.584 what NHSmail is. I would have thought by now most people will 28a48f9a-e669-471a-bca1-d80d142723a3-3 00:00:58.584 --> 00:01:02.373 be aware of what it is, but we'll quickly go over that. Then 28a48f9a-e669-471a-bca1-d80d142723a3-4 00:01:02.373 --> 00:01:06.039 we'll do a quick overview of the highlights of the current 28a48f9a-e669-471a-bca1-d80d142723a3-5 00:01:06.039 --> 00:01:09.270 NHSmail offerings, touching upon areas of interest. b8f74a18-a211-4e51-823f-658ad7614fea-0 00:01:10.480 --> 00:01:14.529 Next up we will give a quick overview of the two types of b8f74a18-a211-4e51-823f-658ad7614fea-1 00:01:14.529 --> 00:01:18.508 onboarding, mainly used in joining NHSmail, covering the b8f74a18-a211-4e51-823f-658ad7614fea-2 00:01:18.508 --> 00:01:21.720 options, benefits and considerations of that. 2064a13f-7f48-402d-bfa6-ee58e2dfa21b-0 00:01:24.020 --> 00:01:27.659 Once we've done that, we'll move on to the partner introductions. 2064a13f-7f48-402d-bfa6-ee58e2dfa21b-1 00:01:27.659 --> 00:01:30.912 So we've got four partners involved today and we'll give a 2064a13f-7f48-402d-bfa6-ee58e2dfa21b-2 00:01:30.912 --> 00:01:34.220 quick introduction to them. They'll go through their slides 2064a13f-7f48-402d-bfa6-ee58e2dfa21b-3 00:01:34.220 --> 00:01:37.694 explaining what they do, what they provide and how they do it. 2064a13f-7f48-402d-bfa6-ee58e2dfa21b-4 00:01:37.694 --> 00:01:41.057 And then at the end of that we'll cover the getting started. 2064a13f-7f48-402d-bfa6-ee58e2dfa21b-5 00:01:41.057 --> 00:01:43.869 So basically making first contact with the NHSmail 2064a13f-7f48-402d-bfa6-ee58e2dfa21b-6 00:01:43.869 --> 00:01:47.177 migrations team so you can understand your options and then 2064a13f-7f48-402d-bfa6-ee58e2dfa21b-7 00:01:47.177 --> 00:01:49.990 hopefully be put in contact with the right people. ae65a48a-c3c6-429b-b600-27c695566daa-0 00:01:50.920 --> 00:01:54.550 And finally, we'll wrap up with a Q&A session. dd9923ef-2b79-4ebc-979d-8917236a30a1-0 00:02:01.680 --> 00:02:05.963 So what is the shared tenant and what is NHSmail? So you probably dd9923ef-2b79-4ebc-979d-8917236a30a1-1 00:02:05.963 --> 00:02:09.793 be aware that it's an online collaboration platform mainly dd9923ef-2b79-4ebc-979d-8917236a30a1-2 00:02:09.793 --> 00:02:14.011 built and with industry standard Microsoft tools, which allows a dd9923ef-2b79-4ebc-979d-8917236a30a1-3 00:02:14.011 --> 00:02:17.841 safe and secure collaboration across the NHS with multiple dd9923ef-2b79-4ebc-979d-8917236a30a1-4 00:02:17.841 --> 00:02:21.670 organisations, including guest organisations. It's a fully dd9923ef-2b79-4ebc-979d-8917236a30a1-5 00:02:21.670 --> 00:02:25.629 managed service, so all the support is, is taken care of. So dd9923ef-2b79-4ebc-979d-8917236a30a1-6 00:02:25.629 --> 00:02:29.588 you don't necessarily have to. And a couple of facts to call dd9923ef-2b79-4ebc-979d-8917236a30a1-7 00:02:29.588 --> 00:02:32.119 out. There's over 20,000 organisations 21a10df6-d3a6-49d3-8079-483ab5d8513b-0 00:02:32.190 --> 00:02:36.238 using it and over 1.8 million users with active accounts. That 21a10df6-d3a6-49d3-8079-483ab5d8513b-1 00:02:36.238 --> 00:02:40.287 obviously doesn't include all the users that are on with guest 21a10df6-d3a6-49d3-8079-483ab5d8513b-2 00:02:40.287 --> 00:02:43.564 access across other organisations, so just thought 21a10df6-d3a6-49d3-8079-483ab5d8513b-3 00:02:43.564 --> 00:02:46.906 it'd be useful to call out just how many people and 21a10df6-d3a6-49d3-8079-483ab5d8513b-4 00:02:46.906 --> 00:02:49.219 organisations are using the tenant. 783e8c65-60ec-4e84-9d54-95ee4073d3b4-0 00:02:54.450 --> 00:02:57.811 So what can the NHSmail tenant offer? Again, this is an 783e8c65-60ec-4e84-9d54-95ee4073d3b4-1 00:02:57.811 --> 00:03:01.352 onboarding webinar so I won't focus too much on on what we 783e8c65-60ec-4e84-9d54-95ee4073d3b4-2 00:03:01.352 --> 00:03:05.013 provide, but it's worth calling out some of the benefits, so 783e8c65-60ec-4e84-9d54-95ee4073d3b4-3 00:03:05.013 --> 00:03:08.974 some of the obvious ones that we thought of was purchasing power. 783e8c65-60ec-4e84-9d54-95ee4073d3b4-4 00:03:08.974 --> 00:03:12.575 Obviously the more people and more organisations looking to 783e8c65-60ec-4e84-9d54-95ee4073d3b4-5 00:03:12.575 --> 00:03:16.297 get licences, the easier it is to negotiate a suitable price, 783e8c65-60ec-4e84-9d54-95ee4073d3b4-6 00:03:16.297 --> 00:03:19.958 and that's what we've done, which is why NHSmail is probably 783e8c65-60ec-4e84-9d54-95ee4073d3b4-7 00:03:19.958 --> 00:03:23.499 one of the the best and cheapest options for organisations 783e8c65-60ec-4e84-9d54-95ee4073d3b4-8 00:03:23.499 --> 00:03:25.300 looking to use a collaboration 2fca9ea6-b179-41f3-ba57-f4b92b25cdc8-0 00:03:25.380 --> 00:03:29.383 platform. It's scalable so you can utilise as much as little as 2fca9ea6-b179-41f3-ba57-f4b92b25cdc8-1 00:03:29.383 --> 00:03:32.886 a platform as you like. So depending on the size of the 2fca9ea6-b179-41f3-ba57-f4b92b25cdc8-2 00:03:32.886 --> 00:03:36.514 organisation and the level of technical maturity, you can 2fca9ea6-b179-41f3-ba57-f4b92b25cdc8-3 00:03:36.514 --> 00:03:40.330 implement whichever parts of the platform you'd like to use. 3bbae0ee-f630-4b83-ad38-c0f224eb6579-0 00:03:41.850 --> 00:03:45.391 Instant security compliance. So by that we mean we're ECB 3bbae0ee-f630-4b83-ad38-c0f224eb6579-1 00:03:45.391 --> 00:03:49.116 accredited right out of the gate, so it means you don't have 3bbae0ee-f630-4b83-ad38-c0f224eb6579-2 00:03:49.116 --> 00:03:52.536 to go out there and spend money getting your own domain 3bbae0ee-f630-4b83-ad38-c0f224eb6579-3 00:03:52.536 --> 00:03:56.383 accredited. We're already there and recognised as being secure 3bbae0ee-f630-4b83-ad38-c0f224eb6579-4 00:03:56.383 --> 00:04:00.352 and many other organisations and services recognise that and and 3bbae0ee-f630-4b83-ad38-c0f224eb6579-5 00:04:00.352 --> 00:04:02.490 prefer to use an nhs.net identity. d2c8ddf6-0aa1-4320-b2de-09a6c6c4833b-0 00:04:03.740 --> 00:04:07.005 Linked to that is the identity management. So utilising a d2c8ddf6-0aa1-4320-b2de-09a6c6c4833b-1 00:04:07.005 --> 00:04:10.382 single identity across the tenant you've got the ability to d2c8ddf6-0aa1-4320-b2de-09a6c6c4833b-2 00:04:10.382 --> 00:04:13.141 log in to any one of the available collaboration d2c8ddf6-0aa1-4320-b2de-09a6c6c4833b-3 00:04:13.141 --> 00:04:16.462 platforms and products that we offer and it makes it a lot d2c8ddf6-0aa1-4320-b2de-09a6c6c4833b-4 00:04:16.462 --> 00:04:19.671 easier. So you'd have to remember multiple passwords and d2c8ddf6-0aa1-4320-b2de-09a6c6c4833b-5 00:04:19.671 --> 00:04:22.767 logins. We've got the guest access feature, so even if d2c8ddf6-0aa1-4320-b2de-09a6c6c4833b-6 00:04:22.767 --> 00:04:25.863 you're not on the nhs.net tenant, you're still able to d2c8ddf6-0aa1-4320-b2de-09a6c6c4833b-7 00:04:25.863 --> 00:04:29.184 work with external partners and have them so that they can d2c8ddf6-0aa1-4320-b2de-09a6c6c4833b-8 00:04:29.184 --> 00:04:32.450 actually work with you on the shared tenant to an extent, 59e39144-44b4-4d99-bcde-20d27854a573-0 00:04:33.670 --> 00:04:37.761 instant collaboration, so around 8% of organisations I believe 59e39144-44b4-4d99-bcde-20d27854a573-1 00:04:37.761 --> 00:04:41.593 use nhs.net. So obviously they're able to find each of the 59e39144-44b4-4d99-bcde-20d27854a573-2 00:04:41.593 --> 00:04:45.425 quite easily and work with them straight away and that has 59e39144-44b4-4d99-bcde-20d27854a573-3 00:04:45.425 --> 00:04:49.452 benefits that touch on knowledge sharing as well. So with the 59e39144-44b4-4d99-bcde-20d27854a573-4 00:04:49.452 --> 00:04:53.219 shared tenant we've got support site that's contains vast 59e39144-44b4-4d99-bcde-20d27854a573-5 00:04:53.219 --> 00:04:56.986 repository of knowledge relating to the management of the 59e39144-44b4-4d99-bcde-20d27854a573-6 00:04:56.986 --> 00:05:00.623 service, how to guides and support and stuff like that. 59e39144-44b4-4d99-bcde-20d27854a573-7 00:05:00.623 --> 00:05:04.519 We've got teams channels that have been set up specifically 3be29df4-3b5a-45b2-b547-b3afb32b172e-0 00:05:04.610 --> 00:05:08.503 for the community to speak with each other, raise things for 3be29df4-3b5a-45b2-b547-b3afb32b172e-1 00:05:08.503 --> 00:05:12.588 awareness, suggest best practise and stuff like that. We've got 3be29df4-3b5a-45b2-b547-b3afb32b172e-2 00:05:12.588 --> 00:05:16.099 24/7 support provided by Accenture's helpdesk and that 3be29df4-3b5a-45b2-b547-b3afb32b172e-3 00:05:16.099 --> 00:05:20.311 also includes access to SME such as the NHSmail team feedback and 3be29df4-3b5a-45b2-b547-b3afb32b172e-4 00:05:20.311 --> 00:05:21.780 also Microsoft support. 0d1dae8b-20da-4445-a121-8df86ff3b848-0 00:05:22.400 --> 00:05:26.451 You've got the cybersecurity protection as well. So NHSmail 0d1dae8b-20da-4445-a121-8df86ff3b848-1 00:05:26.451 --> 00:05:30.029 utilises cybersecurity protection, industry standard 0d1dae8b-20da-4445-a121-8df86ff3b848-2 00:05:30.029 --> 00:05:34.283 levels, taking guidance from our cybersecurity teams, the NCSC 0d1dae8b-20da-4445-a121-8df86ff3b848-3 00:05:34.283 --> 00:05:38.470 and other standards. And finally productivity, the ability to 0d1dae8b-20da-4445-a121-8df86ff3b848-4 00:05:38.470 --> 00:05:42.724 work seamlessly not only with your own orgs but with the wider 0d1dae8b-20da-4445-a121-8df86ff3b848-5 00:05:42.724 --> 00:05:46.572 NHS. Which means if you're collaborating on the piece of 0d1dae8b-20da-4445-a121-8df86ff3b848-6 00:05:46.572 --> 00:05:50.894 work or initiative with another organisation that's on nhs.net, 0d1dae8b-20da-4445-a121-8df86ff3b848-7 00:05:50.894 --> 00:05:53.190 it's very easy to work as a group 4ee293e6-5213-413a-acc9-f01c4cd26b2f-0 00:05:53.260 --> 00:05:56.641 and and share information and things like that. So that's just 4ee293e6-5213-413a-acc9-f01c4cd26b2f-1 00:05:56.641 --> 00:06:00.023 a a quick overview of what the tenant can offer. That's only a 4ee293e6-5213-413a-acc9-f01c4cd26b2f-2 00:06:00.023 --> 00:06:03.459 quick highlight there's there's many more but obviously for the 4ee293e6-5213-413a-acc9-f01c4cd26b2f-3 00:06:03.459 --> 00:06:06.680 sake of not boring everyone I've I've picked the best ones. 29e67090-371a-41cb-9310-07c913ba6ad0-0 00:06:08.790 --> 00:06:12.274 Next so we've got the onboarding options, benefits and 29e67090-371a-41cb-9310-07c913ba6ad0-1 00:06:12.274 --> 00:06:16.013 considerations. This is very high level as you can expect. 29e67090-371a-41cb-9310-07c913ba6ad0-2 00:06:16.013 --> 00:06:19.688 I've chosen the image for the self migration specifically 29e67090-371a-41cb-9310-07c913ba6ad0-3 00:06:19.688 --> 00:06:22.666 because whilst it's not impossible it is quite 29e67090-371a-41cb-9310-07c913ba6ad0-4 00:06:22.666 --> 00:06:26.340 challenging so I thought this icon represented that quite 29e67090-371a-41cb-9310-07c913ba6ad0-5 00:06:26.340 --> 00:06:30.522 well. So just to go over some of the thoughts and considerations, 29e67090-371a-41cb-9310-07c913ba6ad0-6 00:06:30.522 --> 00:06:34.387 there is flexibility in doing self managed migration because 29e67090-371a-41cb-9310-07c913ba6ad0-7 00:06:34.387 --> 00:06:37.999 you're fully in control. Obviously it's done in house so 29e67090-371a-41cb-9310-07c913ba6ad0-8 00:06:37.999 --> 00:06:39.520 you can control the pace 095a6d6e-dfbe-4cef-90b6-4c7249a0ae7d-0 00:06:39.720 --> 00:06:44.059 and again linked to that is the multi stage delivery of a self 095a6d6e-dfbe-4cef-90b6-4c7249a0ae7d-1 00:06:44.059 --> 00:06:48.536 migration. If you don't want to do your OneDrive, SharePoint and 095a6d6e-dfbe-4cef-90b6-4c7249a0ae7d-2 00:06:48.536 --> 00:06:52.050 Teams all in one go, you don't have to. And again, e804b98b-3ab2-4758-8142-3fa30c6fa3ce-0 00:06:52.750 --> 00:06:53.350 it would fa7e8986-87fa-4a14-a13a-aa2f925be7cc-0 00:06:54.050 --> 00:06:57.621 rely on utilising existing technical experience within your fa7e8986-87fa-4a14-a13a-aa2f925be7cc-1 00:06:57.621 --> 00:07:00.657 organisation. So it's recommended. If you have got fa7e8986-87fa-4a14-a13a-aa2f925be7cc-2 00:07:00.657 --> 00:07:04.050 that technical resource and experience then perhaps self fa7e8986-87fa-4a14-a13a-aa2f925be7cc-3 00:07:04.050 --> 00:07:07.682 migration could be for you, but if not it might be better to fa7e8986-87fa-4a14-a13a-aa2f925be7cc-4 00:07:07.682 --> 00:07:11.313 look at the managed migration options. And I guess the final fa7e8986-87fa-4a14-a13a-aa2f925be7cc-5 00:07:11.313 --> 00:07:15.242 point which I've kind of touched on a few times is that it's more fa7e8986-87fa-4a14-a13a-aa2f925be7cc-6 00:07:15.242 --> 00:07:18.635 challenging than a managed approach. So it is probably a fa7e8986-87fa-4a14-a13a-aa2f925be7cc-7 00:07:18.635 --> 00:07:22.028 good idea to do your due diligence, speak to the various fa7e8986-87fa-4a14-a13a-aa2f925be7cc-8 00:07:22.028 --> 00:07:25.421 partners, understand what's involved in the difficulties fa7e8986-87fa-4a14-a13a-aa2f925be7cc-9 00:07:25.421 --> 00:07:25.659 that 42602365-56c9-4298-bd09-6bbd01a23e4f-0 00:07:25.740 --> 00:07:28.997 could be involved, doing yourself and and have those 42602365-56c9-4298-bd09-6bbd01a23e4f-1 00:07:28.997 --> 00:07:32.010 conversations moving over to managed migrations. 7b399c20-e441-4091-9835-f362d6497ac9-0 00:07:32.890 --> 00:07:36.003 So the benefits are obviously coordinated and planned 7b399c20-e441-4091-9835-f362d6497ac9-1 00:07:36.003 --> 00:07:39.348 approach. You work with your managed migration partner to 7b399c20-e441-4091-9835-f362d6497ac9-2 00:07:39.348 --> 00:07:42.808 work out a plan that would be suitable for you. That should 7b399c20-e441-4091-9835-f362d6497ac9-3 00:07:42.808 --> 00:07:46.153 then involve seamless delivery. So there shouldn't be any 7b399c20-e441-4091-9835-f362d6497ac9-4 00:07:46.153 --> 00:07:49.843 notice, noticeable differences to the people being having their 7b399c20-e441-4091-9835-f362d6497ac9-5 00:07:49.843 --> 00:07:53.073 data migrated or or things moving or downtime and stuff 7b399c20-e441-4091-9835-f362d6497ac9-6 00:07:53.073 --> 00:07:56.302 like that. There's a dedicated team for delivering that 7b399c20-e441-4091-9835-f362d6497ac9-7 00:07:56.302 --> 00:07:59.993 migration. There's minimal risk involved because hopefully once 7b399c20-e441-4091-9835-f362d6497ac9-8 00:07:59.993 --> 00:08:03.279 the conversations have been had between the organisation 17d78ba2-e2bb-44f9-a284-996dd8f03057-0 00:08:03.450 --> 00:08:07.240 and the managed migration partner, any risks should have 17d78ba2-e2bb-44f9-a284-996dd8f03057-1 00:08:07.240 --> 00:08:11.562 been either discussed, mitigated or workaround put in place. And 17d78ba2-e2bb-44f9-a284-996dd8f03057-2 00:08:11.562 --> 00:08:15.285 again, doing the managed migration with those increased 17d78ba2-e2bb-44f9-a284-996dd8f03057-3 00:08:15.285 --> 00:08:19.408 resources should mean that it can be done at pace. So that is 17d78ba2-e2bb-44f9-a284-996dd8f03057-4 00:08:19.408 --> 00:08:22.932 a very brief highlight of the considerations and the 17d78ba2-e2bb-44f9-a284-996dd8f03057-5 00:08:22.932 --> 00:08:25.059 differences in onboarding types. 81c3e510-ce5c-43eb-86f7-5e860f225c85-0 00:08:26.820 --> 00:08:27.350 So, 912ae4ce-4d5c-4fa7-a7b1-951e92f62443-0 00:08:28.120 --> 00:08:32.193 now I'll move on to the partner instructions. So we've got two 912ae4ce-4d5c-4fa7-a7b1-951e92f62443-1 00:08:32.193 --> 00:08:36.330 sets of partners, um the managed migration partners are assured 912ae4ce-4d5c-4fa7-a7b1-951e92f62443-2 00:08:36.330 --> 00:08:40.210 to run an end to end migration process, but can and do work 912ae4ce-4d5c-4fa7-a7b1-951e92f62443-3 00:08:40.210 --> 00:08:44.089 closely with the other partners such as bit Titan Quest. So 912ae4ce-4d5c-4fa7-a7b1-951e92f62443-4 00:08:44.089 --> 00:08:48.033 while I've mentioned them, we've got the tooling consultancy 912ae4ce-4d5c-4fa7-a7b1-951e92f62443-5 00:08:48.033 --> 00:08:51.782 partners and they've been specifically assured to provide 912ae4ce-4d5c-4fa7-a7b1-951e92f62443-6 00:08:51.782 --> 00:08:55.532 the necessary tooling for migration of specific data into 912ae4ce-4d5c-4fa7-a7b1-951e92f62443-7 00:08:55.532 --> 00:08:56.050 NHSmail. dd38a303-a7e7-4756-b6c6-f683bd5aa840-0 00:08:57.170 --> 00:09:01.238 So I will now introduce Accenture to go over there. dd38a303-a7e7-4756-b6c6-f683bd5aa840-1 00:09:01.238 --> 00:09:04.290 Slide. Rachel, will you be presenting? fa0a36fd-f70d-4bc0-91eb-8497d48f58ea-0 00:09:05.710 --> 00:09:09.408 Yeah, I will. Thanks, Chris. I'll move on to your slide now. fa0a36fd-f70d-4bc0-91eb-8497d48f58ea-1 00:09:09.408 --> 00:09:10.560 Alright. Thank you. 34321690-1b4d-4c52-8152-ceaf585a13f3-0 00:09:17.120 --> 00:09:20.278 Thanks Chris, for the introduction and thank you to 34321690-1b4d-4c52-8152-ceaf585a13f3-1 00:09:20.278 --> 00:09:23.923 NHS Digital team for putting this webinar together. Um. So, 34321690-1b4d-4c52-8152-ceaf585a13f3-2 00:09:23.923 --> 00:09:27.689 yeah, hi everyone. Nice to meet you all. I'm Rachel Swain and 34321690-1b4d-4c52-8152-ceaf585a13f3-3 00:09:27.689 --> 00:09:31.515 I'm the sales lead for NHSmail migrations here at Accenture. I 34321690-1b4d-4c52-8152-ceaf585a13f3-4 00:09:31.515 --> 00:09:35.160 also have on the call with me Andrew Oxley, Georgia Fox and 34321690-1b4d-4c52-8152-ceaf585a13f3-5 00:09:35.160 --> 00:09:37.590 Will Gaillard from our migrations team. 21597c26-7fb9-49ef-a529-175e7374eef0-0 00:09:38.440 --> 00:09:42.496 So in 2015, Accenture were awarded a contract by NHS 21597c26-7fb9-49ef-a529-175e7374eef0-1 00:09:42.496 --> 00:09:47.242 Digital to manage and run the NHSmail platform and in 2016 we 21597c26-7fb9-49ef-a529-175e7374eef0-2 00:09:47.242 --> 00:09:52.065 created a fully assured managed migration solution approved by 21597c26-7fb9-49ef-a529-175e7374eef0-3 00:09:52.065 --> 00:09:56.428 NHS Digital to offer the these services on screen to NHS 21597c26-7fb9-49ef-a529-175e7374eef0-4 00:09:56.428 --> 00:10:01.250 Trusts. So we've put together just a few slides today as Chris 21597c26-7fb9-49ef-a529-175e7374eef0-5 00:10:01.250 --> 00:10:05.690 mentioned on what we can offer both as a managed and self 21597c26-7fb9-49ef-a529-175e7374eef0-6 00:10:05.690 --> 00:10:10.129 migration benefits of partnering and also our experience. b51589f5-f40b-4b34-809c-e08ffc6dc85e-0 00:10:10.380 --> 00:10:14.255 I know, I'm quite limited on time today, so we won't be b51589f5-f40b-4b34-809c-e08ffc6dc85e-1 00:10:14.255 --> 00:10:18.546 discussing each migration in detail. So obviously please feel b51589f5-f40b-4b34-809c-e08ffc6dc85e-2 00:10:18.546 --> 00:10:22.698 free to reach out to us to discuss anything that I do cover b51589f5-f40b-4b34-809c-e08ffc6dc85e-3 00:10:22.698 --> 00:10:26.505 today. So our dedicated managed migration team work in b51589f5-f40b-4b34-809c-e08ffc6dc85e-4 00:10:26.505 --> 00:10:30.588 partnership with you as Chris said earlier to provide many b51589f5-f40b-4b34-809c-e08ffc6dc85e-5 00:10:30.588 --> 00:10:34.602 different types of managed migrations. So from emails, my b51589f5-f40b-4b34-809c-e08ffc6dc85e-6 00:10:34.602 --> 00:10:39.100 e-mail migration both on premise to tenant and tenant to tenant, b51589f5-f40b-4b34-809c-e08ffc6dc85e-7 00:10:39.100 --> 00:10:40.900 PST file migration, Office 0e1c0138-52df-49b5-bed9-f44a50e913f4-0 00:10:40.970 --> 00:10:44.561 365 migrations and file share and home drive. All of the 0e1c0138-52df-49b5-bed9-f44a50e913f4-1 00:10:44.561 --> 00:10:48.216 migrations that you can see on the screen have been fully 0e1c0138-52df-49b5-bed9-f44a50e913f4-2 00:10:48.216 --> 00:10:52.185 assured by NHS Digital and this has been done through proof of 0e1c0138-52df-49b5-bed9-f44a50e913f4-3 00:10:52.185 --> 00:10:55.525 concepts, testing and model Office and any technical 0e1c0138-52df-49b5-bed9-f44a50e913f4-4 00:10:55.525 --> 00:10:57.920 assurance of the migration Assurance. 980cb959-ce49-4be0-87ce-d3ee584e2a95-0 00:10:59.080 --> 00:11:03.025 Accenture were the first service provider to achieve this 980cb959-ce49-4be0-87ce-d3ee584e2a95-1 00:11:03.025 --> 00:11:07.311 accreditation. NHS Digital have an important ongoing assurance 980cb959-ce49-4be0-87ce-d3ee584e2a95-2 00:11:07.311 --> 00:11:11.393 role for all of the managed migrations that we do to ensure 980cb959-ce49-4be0-87ce-d3ee584e2a95-3 00:11:11.393 --> 00:11:15.135 that key stages of the migration project are delivered 980cb959-ce49-4be0-87ce-d3ee584e2a95-4 00:11:15.135 --> 00:11:19.353 successfully for the local org without impacting the extended 980cb959-ce49-4be0-87ce-d3ee584e2a95-5 00:11:19.353 --> 00:11:23.503 NHSmail platform and the other users. So we work in lockstep 980cb959-ce49-4be0-87ce-d3ee584e2a95-6 00:11:23.503 --> 00:11:27.448 with NHS Digital Onboarding team who regularly review our 980cb959-ce49-4be0-87ce-d3ee584e2a95-7 00:11:27.448 --> 00:11:29.830 solutions, methodology, processes, cfc40c3f-7604-45c0-a48b-4b343d672e7b-0 00:11:29.930 --> 00:11:34.152 our lessons learned. We proactively provide these cfc40c3f-7604-45c0-a48b-4b343d672e7b-1 00:11:34.152 --> 00:11:38.290 updates, to the onboarding team and NHS Digital. bb345e67-406a-4471-9bac-3e71d750fe21-0 00:11:39.210 --> 00:11:40.920 Could we go to the next slide please? c63b8313-b000-4e67-971a-9a18028dc3a8-0 00:11:44.340 --> 00:11:48.173 Brilliant, Thank you. So we as Chris mentioned, there are c63b8313-b000-4e67-971a-9a18028dc3a8-1 00:11:48.173 --> 00:11:51.345 obviously two types of migrations, both managed c63b8313-b000-4e67-971a-9a18028dc3a8-2 00:11:51.345 --> 00:11:55.707 migration and self migration. So we understand that some trust do c63b8313-b000-4e67-971a-9a18028dc3a8-3 00:11:55.707 --> 00:11:59.210 like to perform a self migration. Now these projects c63b8313-b000-4e67-971a-9a18028dc3a8-4 00:11:59.210 --> 00:12:03.109 are successful and can be delivered at scale. For example, c63b8313-b000-4e67-971a-9a18028dc3a8-5 00:12:03.109 --> 00:12:07.075 Leeds Teaching Hospital and University College London, they c63b8313-b000-4e67-971a-9a18028dc3a8-6 00:12:07.075 --> 00:12:11.040 have all completed successful self migrations. So to enable c63b8313-b000-4e67-971a-9a18028dc3a8-7 00:12:11.040 --> 00:12:15.204 self migrators, we provide mail migration service accounts for c63b8313-b000-4e67-971a-9a18028dc3a8-8 00:12:15.204 --> 00:12:16.130 free of charge c73e52ef-c2e9-4235-b552-27f93dd4b77b-0 00:12:16.260 --> 00:12:20.277 to allow the trust access to the data on the tenant. We also c73e52ef-c2e9-4235-b552-27f93dd4b77b-1 00:12:20.277 --> 00:12:24.623 provide service accounts free of charge for SharePoint, Teams and c73e52ef-c2e9-4235-b552-27f93dd4b77b-2 00:12:24.623 --> 00:12:28.640 OneDrive. However, if they do require configuration to large c73e52ef-c2e9-4235-b552-27f93dd4b77b-3 00:12:28.640 --> 00:12:32.393 datasets, so a large set of SharePoint and team sites or c73e52ef-c2e9-4235-b552-27f93dd4b77b-4 00:12:32.393 --> 00:12:36.476 OneDrive accounts within the tenant, this will incur a charge c73e52ef-c2e9-4235-b552-27f93dd4b77b-5 00:12:36.476 --> 00:12:40.427 to you for Accenture to complete this configuration on your c73e52ef-c2e9-4235-b552-27f93dd4b77b-6 00:12:40.427 --> 00:12:44.576 behalf. So just it's important to note on a self migration and c73e52ef-c2e9-4235-b552-27f93dd4b77b-7 00:12:44.576 --> 00:12:47.540 kind of Chris touched upon this earlier that 0dca7c51-f034-460e-baac-b4cf4c4cd7f5-0 00:12:47.680 --> 00:12:52.145 all other items that are achieved via third party tooling 0dca7c51-f034-460e-baac-b4cf4c4cd7f5-1 00:12:52.145 --> 00:12:56.996 for under the remit of the trust to manage and it's outside of 0dca7c51-f034-460e-baac-b4cf4c4cd7f5-2 00:12:56.996 --> 00:12:58.690 our normal operation, 2ef43bcd-9769-490f-80e1-ae065cd6f268-0 00:12:59.080 --> 00:13:02.651 and Chris mentioned this as well. So for any further details 2ef43bcd-9769-490f-80e1-ae065cd6f268-1 00:13:02.651 --> 00:13:06.399 regarding self migration, please do reach out to NHS Digital in 2ef43bcd-9769-490f-80e1-ae065cd6f268-2 00:13:06.399 --> 00:13:09.971 the first instance and they'll be able to go through all the 2ef43bcd-9769-490f-80e1-ae065cd6f268-3 00:13:09.971 --> 00:13:13.542 due diligence with you and the process and depending on your 2ef43bcd-9769-490f-80e1-ae065cd6f268-4 00:13:13.542 --> 00:13:16.939 request, they'll loop us in as well so we can support you 2ef43bcd-9769-490f-80e1-ae065cd6f268-5 00:13:16.939 --> 00:13:18.520 further for self migration. 86657518-d997-4f2d-95fa-b61ac7c48f2d-0 00:13:20.330 --> 00:13:21.670 Could we go to the next slide please? d79c933b-eaf2-4215-aca1-0104b6b94707-0 00:13:23.630 --> 00:13:28.105 Thank you. So our methodology, for all of our migration d79c933b-eaf2-4215-aca1-0104b6b94707-1 00:13:28.105 --> 00:13:32.980 services is driven by a well established and proven approach d79c933b-eaf2-4215-aca1-0104b6b94707-2 00:13:32.980 --> 00:13:37.376 working through a repeatable 7 step process to de risk d79c933b-eaf2-4215-aca1-0104b6b94707-3 00:13:37.376 --> 00:13:42.491 delivery. Our typical migration projects take between 12 and 16 d79c933b-eaf2-4215-aca1-0104b6b94707-4 00:13:42.491 --> 00:13:46.727 weeks to execute depending on data volumes. Our data d79c933b-eaf2-4215-aca1-0104b6b94707-5 00:13:46.727 --> 00:13:51.363 migrations are enabled by copying the data and not moving d79c933b-eaf2-4215-aca1-0104b6b94707-6 00:13:51.363 --> 00:13:54.720 it. So this approach de risks the project 280018c1-7863-49cd-bdee-a949f9938e33-0 00:13:54.810 --> 00:13:59.720 as it provides us an off ramp. Should the migration need to be 280018c1-7863-49cd-bdee-a949f9938e33-1 00:13:59.720 --> 00:14:01.280 stopped in emergency 1cb81d56-bec9-4252-9ff8-9c199ca7efd1-0 00:14:02.160 --> 00:14:05.882 existing tenants user identities and processes, they remain 1cb81d56-bec9-4252-9ff8-9c199ca7efd1-1 00:14:05.882 --> 00:14:09.729 active and up to date until the completion of the process. So 1cb81d56-bec9-4252-9ff8-9c199ca7efd1-2 00:14:09.729 --> 00:14:13.700 there is a near 0 impact to end users throughout the migration. 2b361f88-3274-4902-88b3-f5e9d86c524c-0 00:14:14.960 --> 00:14:18.877 We use a dedicated and bespoke version of the Bit Titan leading 2b361f88-3274-4902-88b3-f5e9d86c524c-1 00:14:18.877 --> 00:14:22.122 migration tooling, who you'll hear from later in the 2b361f88-3274-4902-88b3-f5e9d86c524c-2 00:14:22.122 --> 00:14:25.611 presentation ensuring that our data doesn't leave the UK 2b361f88-3274-4902-88b3-f5e9d86c524c-3 00:14:25.611 --> 00:14:29.100 throughout the migration. In partnership with Bit Titan, 2b361f88-3274-4902-88b3-f5e9d86c524c-4 00:14:29.100 --> 00:14:32.345 we've migrated some of the largest NHS trusts to the 2b361f88-3274-4902-88b3-f5e9d86c524c-5 00:14:32.345 --> 00:14:35.895 NHSmail platform. So this is including Sheffield Teaching 2b361f88-3274-4902-88b3-f5e9d86c524c-6 00:14:35.895 --> 00:14:39.752 Hospital, Imperial Healthcare and Newcastle upon Tyne Hospital 2b361f88-3274-4902-88b3-f5e9d86c524c-7 00:14:39.752 --> 00:14:43.057 for example. And if you wish to speak to any of these 2b361f88-3274-4902-88b3-f5e9d86c524c-8 00:14:43.057 --> 00:14:45.689 organisations to discuss their migrations, 41c414be-56a4-4a8b-9a1d-533e4e009060-0 00:14:45.760 --> 00:14:50.400 we can definitely arrange that for you. Um also throughout our 41c414be-56a4-4a8b-9a1d-533e4e009060-1 00:14:50.400 --> 00:14:55.115 relationship with Bit Titan we can offer discounted licences to 41c414be-56a4-4a8b-9a1d-533e4e009060-2 00:14:55.115 --> 00:14:55.410 you. 84d7a8a4-ce47-4a93-b9a5-f683df28275a-0 00:14:56.750 --> 00:15:01.173 Our managed migration team is a specialist dedicated Accenture 84d7a8a4-ce47-4a93-b9a5-f683df28275a-1 00:15:01.173 --> 00:15:05.386 group who deliver the managed projects in partnership with 84d7a8a4-ce47-4a93-b9a5-f683df28275a-2 00:15:05.386 --> 00:15:09.529 you. Our Microsoft and Office 365 technical experience and 84d7a8a4-ce47-4a93-b9a5-f683df28275a-3 00:15:09.529 --> 00:15:13.531 proficiency comes from our colleagues within our Avanade 84d7a8a4-ce47-4a93-b9a5-f683df28275a-4 00:15:13.531 --> 00:15:17.955 Microsoft practise. So Avanade is a a jointly owned company by 84d7a8a4-ce47-4a93-b9a5-f683df28275a-5 00:15:17.955 --> 00:15:19.569 Accenture and Microsoft 535b3e03-af90-43bd-bcf3-97e14b3d7e87-0 00:15:20.500 --> 00:15:24.068 and any issues during the migration will be quickly 535b3e03-af90-43bd-bcf3-97e14b3d7e87-1 00:15:24.068 --> 00:15:27.704 resolved by either our specialist team or by working 535b3e03-af90-43bd-bcf3-97e14b3d7e87-2 00:15:27.704 --> 00:15:31.616 closely with the Accenture NHSmail support team that run 535b3e03-af90-43bd-bcf3-97e14b3d7e87-3 00:15:31.616 --> 00:15:32.920 the NHSmail tenant. 16d98505-5289-4cca-97be-325cba3a0177-0 00:15:35.080 --> 00:15:36.120 Next slide please. 7f641131-051a-4c42-a899-6dfcd576b756-0 00:15:39.980 --> 00:15:44.339 Thank you. So as you all know, Accenture have been working with 7f641131-051a-4c42-a899-6dfcd576b756-1 00:15:44.339 --> 00:15:48.154 NHS Digital to successfully manage the NHSmail platform 7f641131-051a-4c42-a899-6dfcd576b756-2 00:15:48.154 --> 00:15:52.513 since 2015. And throughout our partnership with NHS Digital, we 7f641131-051a-4c42-a899-6dfcd576b756-3 00:15:52.513 --> 00:15:56.464 provide a range of operation services that I've mentioned 7f641131-051a-4c42-a899-6dfcd576b756-4 00:15:56.464 --> 00:16:00.415 today. You know that support migrations onto the platform 7f641131-051a-4c42-a899-6dfcd576b756-5 00:16:00.415 --> 00:16:04.570 from day one. Services such as migrating legacy mailboxes on 7f641131-051a-4c42-a899-6dfcd576b756-6 00:16:04.570 --> 00:16:08.590 Prem mailboxes and now tenant to tenant migrations as well cb2ecdc6-1efd-4b4d-9d96-8da56c3e5046-0 00:16:09.520 --> 00:16:13.497 as part of the ongoing development of the NHSmail cb2ecdc6-1efd-4b4d-9d96-8da56c3e5046-1 00:16:13.497 --> 00:16:17.953 platform, we migrated 2.1 million mailboxes to Exchange cb2ecdc6-1efd-4b4d-9d96-8da56c3e5046-2 00:16:17.953 --> 00:16:22.567 Online and very many, many petabytes of data, too many to cb2ecdc6-1efd-4b4d-9d96-8da56c3e5046-3 00:16:22.567 --> 00:16:27.340 count as also as part of the platform's move to Office 365. cb2ecdc6-1efd-4b4d-9d96-8da56c3e5046-4 00:16:27.340 --> 00:16:32.273 The importance of additional collaboration tools, for example cb2ecdc6-1efd-4b4d-9d96-8da56c3e5046-5 00:16:32.273 --> 00:16:37.126 Teams, OneDrive and SharePoint, has become prevalent. As you cb2ecdc6-1efd-4b4d-9d96-8da56c3e5046-6 00:16:37.126 --> 00:16:40.070 know, in March 2020 during COVID, we cd4aac66-88be-43bd-a598-26c64ed77efc-0 00:16:40.160 --> 00:16:43.579 rapidly deployed Microsoft Teams to 1.6 million NHS and cd4aac66-88be-43bd-a598-26c64ed77efc-1 00:16:43.579 --> 00:16:47.364 healthcare workers. The reason why I mentioned this to you is cd4aac66-88be-43bd-a598-26c64ed77efc-2 00:16:47.364 --> 00:16:50.661 to kind of provide reassurance that this considerable cd4aac66-88be-43bd-a598-26c64ed77efc-3 00:16:50.661 --> 00:16:54.569 experience is available within our migrations team and could be cd4aac66-88be-43bd-a598-26c64ed77efc-4 00:16:54.569 --> 00:16:57.500 shared with you during your migrations project. d870ca3b-10d4-41cc-9303-349c6d7c68ca-0 00:16:58.230 --> 00:17:02.443 Data migrations are fortunately perhaps a once in a career d870ca3b-10d4-41cc-9303-349c6d7c68ca-1 00:17:02.443 --> 00:17:06.799 project at trust level, so we recognise that it can be quite d870ca3b-10d4-41cc-9303-349c6d7c68ca-2 00:17:06.799 --> 00:17:10.656 daunting and we're here to support you throughout the d870ca3b-10d4-41cc-9303-349c6d7c68ca-3 00:17:10.656 --> 00:17:14.870 migration. Just to put some numbers on it, we've completed d870ca3b-10d4-41cc-9303-349c6d7c68ca-4 00:17:14.870 --> 00:17:19.155 over 50 successful projects throughout England and Scotland d870ca3b-10d4-41cc-9303-349c6d7c68ca-5 00:17:19.155 --> 00:17:23.440 and migrated well over 400,000 new users onto the platform. 2b6eb16d-f637-4c79-bf1b-195e3b223d88-0 00:17:24.400 --> 00:17:28.643 Myself and the the tea, Andrew, Georgia and Will, look forward 2b6eb16d-f637-4c79-bf1b-195e3b223d88-1 00:17:28.643 --> 00:17:32.616 to talking to you. Please do reach out about any migration 2b6eb16d-f637-4c79-bf1b-195e3b223d88-2 00:17:32.616 --> 00:17:36.927 requests and queries that you do have in the future. Thanks all 2b6eb16d-f637-4c79-bf1b-195e3b223d88-3 00:17:36.927 --> 00:17:41.102 for listening. Hopefully that wasn't too arduous. I think I'm 2b6eb16d-f637-4c79-bf1b-195e3b223d88-4 00:17:41.102 --> 00:17:43.460 passing back over to to Chris now. 2b3f32fc-5ed5-4f7a-824f-16a0f9e6cb10-0 00:17:44.430 --> 00:17:47.928 You are. Thank you very much, Rachel. Appreciate the overview 2b3f32fc-5ed5-4f7a-824f-16a0f9e6cb10-1 00:17:47.928 --> 00:17:51.427 and thanks very much. Lee, I believe you'll be presenting yet 2b3f32fc-5ed5-4f7a-824f-16a0f9e6cb10-2 00:17:51.427 --> 00:17:54.080 next. Do you want me to move on to your slide? e0f02fe8-6e68-4d43-8236-5653a4465c57-0 00:17:55.280 --> 00:17:58.450 Uh, yes, you can do. Thank you, Chris. Yep, no problem. 7dc723fe-17ea-42a6-a3af-4a57e1c70bb8-0 00:18:00.540 --> 00:18:03.450 Hopefully it's moving now. There we go. 6bc81857-3f97-4768-bcb4-832bd1ae7ca6-0 00:18:04.590 --> 00:18:08.505 OK. Thank you. So, yeah, Good morning, everybody. My name's 6bc81857-3f97-4768-bcb4-832bd1ae7ca6-1 00:18:08.505 --> 00:18:12.420 Lee Ballinger. I'm the technical director at BDS Solutions. 017e1daa-b67c-4b84-9b38-a7047e47878f-0 00:18:13.150 --> 00:18:17.728 We're going to start this section of the webinar by taking 017e1daa-b67c-4b84-9b38-a7047e47878f-1 00:18:17.728 --> 00:18:22.229 you back to the year 2005. So this was when NHSmail first 017e1daa-b67c-4b84-9b38-a7047e47878f-2 00:18:22.229 --> 00:18:22.850 started. a745c8f7-1c5b-4e23-af0a-1ac9531a425e-0 00:18:23.470 --> 00:18:28.375 The first versions of version one of NHSmail wasn't called a745c8f7-1c5b-4e23-af0a-1ac9531a425e-1 00:18:28.375 --> 00:18:30.620 NHSmail. It was NHS Contact b05a066d-2802-4ad6-9702-2865c9b363c8-0 00:18:31.310 --> 00:18:36.411 and at this time NHS Digital or Connecting for Health as they b05a066d-2802-4ad6-9702-2865c9b363c8-1 00:18:36.411 --> 00:18:41.513 were then known, came to BDS Solutions to develop a migration b05a066d-2802-4ad6-9702-2865c9b363c8-2 00:18:41.513 --> 00:18:46.533 solution. So that's where we started. We performed the first b05a066d-2802-4ad6-9702-2865c9b363c8-3 00:18:46.533 --> 00:18:51.306 managed migration which was at Barnsley Hospital. We also b05a066d-2802-4ad6-9702-2865c9b363c8-4 00:18:51.306 --> 00:18:56.243 migrated connecting for health or NHS Digital across to the b05a066d-2802-4ad6-9702-2865c9b363c8-5 00:18:56.243 --> 00:19:01.674 platform themselves, which was a fair few years ago. Nowadays I'm b05a066d-2802-4ad6-9702-2865c9b363c8-6 00:19:01.674 --> 00:19:02.580 the NHSmail e92d1521-b9fd-4d15-af80-04bffb1d8112-0 00:19:02.650 --> 00:19:06.484 programme Manager at BDS Solutions, have been for the e92d1521-b9fd-4d15-af80-04bffb1d8112-1 00:19:06.484 --> 00:19:10.958 last five years, which is when we were assured to migrate onto e92d1521-b9fd-4d15-af80-04bffb1d8112-2 00:19:10.958 --> 00:19:15.219 the current version of the platform. It's been for a couple e92d1521-b9fd-4d15-af80-04bffb1d8112-3 00:19:15.219 --> 00:19:19.267 of iterations. Obviously it started off with the on Prem e92d1521-b9fd-4d15-af80-04bffb1d8112-4 00:19:19.267 --> 00:19:23.741 solution and then a couple of years ago to the Exchange Online e92d1521-b9fd-4d15-af80-04bffb1d8112-5 00:19:23.741 --> 00:19:24.309 version. 5da53c2f-ecc1-4270-914f-965609046349-0 00:19:25.530 --> 00:19:28.150 Could we go to the next slide, please? 1a99f36e-e448-4d25-a29c-bd7248f6e756-0 00:19:32.220 --> 00:19:36.521 Thank. Thank you. So based on based on all of that experience 1a99f36e-e448-4d25-a29c-bd7248f6e756-1 00:19:36.521 --> 00:19:40.614 which we've built up over the over the years, we generally 1a99f36e-e448-4d25-a29c-bd7248f6e756-2 00:19:40.614 --> 00:19:45.054 find that these projects tend to run much smoother if we engage 1a99f36e-e448-4d25-a29c-bd7248f6e756-3 00:19:45.054 --> 00:19:49.425 the right people at the right time and the right time tends to 1a99f36e-e448-4d25-a29c-bd7248f6e756-4 00:19:49.425 --> 00:19:53.865 be at the start of the project. So we manage our projects using 1a99f36e-e448-4d25-a29c-bd7248f6e756-5 00:19:53.865 --> 00:19:58.166 the Prince 2 methodology, which is the NHS standard. So we're 1a99f36e-e448-4d25-a29c-bd7248f6e756-6 00:19:58.166 --> 00:20:02.190 talking a common language with your own project managers. afe4b931-41e3-4739-b7e2-59ed3723475b-0 00:20:02.750 --> 00:20:06.992 3 Prince 2 project starts with an initiation stage and this is afe4b931-41e3-4739-b7e2-59ed3723475b-1 00:20:06.992 --> 00:20:11.302 where we like to get the right people around the tide table. So afe4b931-41e3-4739-b7e2-59ed3723475b-2 00:20:11.302 --> 00:20:15.477 we've got the obvious suspects there. So from it we obviously afe4b931-41e3-4739-b7e2-59ed3723475b-3 00:20:15.477 --> 00:20:18.845 want representation from IT management. Also your afe4b931-41e3-4739-b7e2-59ed3723475b-4 00:20:18.845 --> 00:20:22.818 administrators of your Active Directory, your local e-mail afe4b931-41e3-4739-b7e2-59ed3723475b-5 00:20:22.818 --> 00:20:26.589 service whether that be an on Prem Exchange solution or afe4b931-41e3-4739-b7e2-59ed3723475b-6 00:20:26.589 --> 00:20:30.832 Exchange Online, we can migrate from both of those. We'll also afe4b931-41e3-4739-b7e2-59ed3723475b-7 00:20:30.832 --> 00:20:33.930 involve end user compute, so client computers 821a913d-caa7-4f06-b8c0-dd54d3ab0cca-0 00:20:34.020 --> 00:20:38.709 and particularly if you're going to be using Outlook to to access 821a913d-caa7-4f06-b8c0-dd54d3ab0cca-1 00:20:38.709 --> 00:20:43.044 NHSmail networks as well, we both like to inform and consult 821a913d-caa7-4f06-b8c0-dd54d3ab0cca-2 00:20:43.044 --> 00:20:47.236 them. We're obviously going to be moving data across their 821a913d-caa7-4f06-b8c0-dd54d3ab0cca-3 00:20:47.236 --> 00:20:51.144 network and we also need to consider that you might be 821a913d-caa7-4f06-b8c0-dd54d3ab0cca-4 00:20:51.144 --> 00:20:55.479 moving from an on Prem hosted solution to something based in 821a913d-caa7-4f06-b8c0-dd54d3ab0cca-5 00:20:55.479 --> 00:20:56.189 the cloud, dc10b97e-cbdb-4382-b94d-15e08c3a7c81-0 00:20:57.020 --> 00:21:00.593 service desk. Again, great to get them involved in the dc10b97e-cbdb-4382-b94d-15e08c3a7c81-1 00:21:00.593 --> 00:21:04.491 beginning rather than actually drop it on them just before. dc10b97e-cbdb-4382-b94d-15e08c3a7c81-2 00:21:04.491 --> 00:21:07.090 We're starting the the migration itself 64fb7c5d-0387-46d0-a040-363efa565706-0 00:21:07.960 --> 00:21:11.943 training as well. And the larger trusts tend to have training 64fb7c5d-0387-46d0-a040-363efa565706-1 00:21:11.943 --> 00:21:15.798 departments that we can engage with. It's quite likely that 64fb7c5d-0387-46d0-a040-363efa565706-2 00:21:15.798 --> 00:21:19.910 you'll have a lot of users that are going to be new to NHSmail, 79dec229-e96d-4be4-a5dd-080770af9b84-0 00:21:21.340 --> 00:21:24.640 no? So we need to give consideration to how they're 79dec229-e96d-4be4-a5dd-080770af9b84-1 00:21:24.640 --> 00:21:28.195 going to be educated and communications as well, key to 79dec229-e96d-4be4-a5dd-080770af9b84-2 00:21:28.195 --> 00:21:31.560 any project. Again, the larger trusts tend to have a 79dec229-e96d-4be4-a5dd-080770af9b84-3 00:21:31.560 --> 00:21:35.432 communications department. Now these people are probably the 79dec229-e96d-4be4-a5dd-080770af9b84-4 00:21:35.432 --> 00:21:39.558 best at communicating with your staff. You know what works, what 79dec229-e96d-4be4-a5dd-080770af9b84-5 00:21:39.558 --> 00:21:43.620 doesn't. There's lots of ways of doing it. We can bring lots of 79dec229-e96d-4be4-a5dd-080770af9b84-6 00:21:43.620 --> 00:21:47.112 examples to the project template, emails, that sort of 79dec229-e96d-4be4-a5dd-080770af9b84-7 00:21:47.112 --> 00:21:50.730 thing. There's also targeted emails which we'll send out 79dec229-e96d-4be4-a5dd-080770af9b84-8 00:21:50.730 --> 00:21:52.000 during the migration 81e5b580-c731-4e5a-826e-e4c06f82bb84-0 00:21:52.070 --> 00:21:55.511 itself. So again, getting these people involved at the 81e5b580-c731-4e5a-826e-e4c06f82bb84-1 00:21:55.511 --> 00:21:58.764 beginning, information governance, you need to make 81e5b580-c731-4e5a-826e-e4c06f82bb84-2 00:21:58.764 --> 00:22:02.455 sure they're involved. They're going to want to know about 81e5b580-c731-4e5a-826e-e4c06f82bb84-3 00:22:02.455 --> 00:22:06.460 this. There will be some actions for them as well. It's part of 81e5b580-c731-4e5a-826e-e4c06f82bb84-4 00:22:06.460 --> 00:22:10.401 DCB 1596, although the platform itself is accredited and there 81e5b580-c731-4e5a-826e-e4c06f82bb84-5 00:22:10.401 --> 00:22:14.468 are some local requirements. So for example, e-mail usage policy 81e5b580-c731-4e5a-826e-e4c06f82bb84-6 00:22:14.468 --> 00:22:18.285 and that type of thing. So we can actually guide you through 81e5b580-c731-4e5a-826e-e4c06f82bb84-7 00:22:18.285 --> 00:22:22.352 what's needed and help with that and also HR particularly around 81e5b580-c731-4e5a-826e-e4c06f82bb84-8 00:22:22.352 --> 00:22:22.790 Leaver- f2861cd5-3c24-4580-b57b-2bca020e4270-0 00:22:22.860 --> 00:22:26.941 Joiners because it will be some changes there when NHSmail f2861cd5-3c24-4580-b57b-2bca020e4270-1 00:22:26.941 --> 00:22:29.640 becomes your your sole e-mail service. 37b11e95-a6e0-4e27-afa2-16913d12a9ed-0 00:22:30.740 --> 00:22:32.870 Can we go to the next slide, please? f3305774-93a9-49e4-afbb-9313f69b519e-0 00:22:34.640 --> 00:22:38.031 So once we've initiated the project, everybody knows what's f3305774-93a9-49e4-afbb-9313f69b519e-1 00:22:38.031 --> 00:22:38.540 going on. cb381168-ab84-4b78-af40-8094d8699ed9-0 00:22:39.580 --> 00:22:44.377 But we move into the preparation stage and this is where the real cb381168-ab84-4b78-af40-8094d8699ed9-1 00:22:44.377 --> 00:22:48.521 hard work happens. It's about preparing the organisation cb381168-ab84-4b78-af40-8094d8699ed9-2 00:22:48.521 --> 00:22:53.246 probably more than the technical side of it for for NHS Now, one cb381168-ab84-4b78-af40-8094d8699ed9-3 00:22:53.246 --> 00:22:57.754 of the big jobs that needs to happen at this stage is what we cb381168-ab84-4b78-af40-8094d8699ed9-4 00:22:57.754 --> 00:23:01.461 refer to as the mailbox reconciliation. So this is cb381168-ab84-4b78-af40-8094d8699ed9-5 00:23:01.461 --> 00:23:05.460 matching existing NHSmail accounts, which you may have 7daa17ec-e6c3-4b44-8152-c67b0e292e2d-0 00:23:06.230 --> 00:23:09.795 and you probably do. Normally used by clinicians to send 7daa17ec-e6c3-4b44-8152-c67b0e292e2d-1 00:23:09.795 --> 00:23:13.547 sensitive information, patient data outside of the trust to 7daa17ec-e6c3-4b44-8152-c67b0e292e2d-2 00:23:13.547 --> 00:23:16.550 those mailboxes on your private e-mail service. bf96036e-db74-4644-adde-2e555353eccd-0 00:23:17.350 --> 00:23:21.683 Now obviously if we don't get this right, you know there's two bf96036e-db74-4644-adde-2e555353eccd-1 00:23:21.683 --> 00:23:25.397 risks there. One is that we migrate data to the wrong bf96036e-db74-4644-adde-2e555353eccd-2 00:23:25.397 --> 00:23:29.868 mailbox. The second one is that somebody has an NHSmail account, bf96036e-db74-4644-adde-2e555353eccd-3 00:23:29.868 --> 00:23:34.270 we don't know about it and they get a new one and we don't find bf96036e-db74-4644-adde-2e555353eccd-4 00:23:34.270 --> 00:23:38.260 out until the data has been migrated that they've already bf96036e-db74-4644-adde-2e555353eccd-5 00:23:38.260 --> 00:23:42.318 got an account. A tip for anybody looking to do an NHSmail bf96036e-db74-4644-adde-2e555353eccd-6 00:23:42.318 --> 00:23:46.376 migration. We found on almost every project that unless an bf96036e-db74-4644-adde-2e555353eccd-7 00:23:46.376 --> 00:23:48.440 organisation got a very robust 706d1345-dc05-4400-8ea6-2dda326b83fa-0 00:23:48.520 --> 00:23:52.386 leave a joiner process in place, you've probably got a fair few 706d1345-dc05-4400-8ea6-2dda326b83fa-1 00:23:52.386 --> 00:23:55.889 staff with NHSmail accounts that are still with their old 706d1345-dc05-4400-8ea6-2dda326b83fa-2 00:23:55.889 --> 00:23:59.635 organisation. And unless you're proactive at the start of the 706d1345-dc05-4400-8ea6-2dda326b83fa-3 00:23:59.635 --> 00:24:03.259 project, uncovering these in taking style through the lever 706d1345-dc05-4400-8ea6-2dda326b83fa-4 00:24:03.259 --> 00:24:07.065 joiner process, it may not find out until you've created a new 706d1345-dc05-4400-8ea6-2dda326b83fa-5 00:24:07.065 --> 00:24:10.629 account for them in migrated their data. So much easier to 706d1345-dc05-4400-8ea6-2dda326b83fa-6 00:24:10.629 --> 00:24:14.012 sort those things out at the start. So in terms of this 706d1345-dc05-4400-8ea6-2dda326b83fa-7 00:24:14.012 --> 00:24:17.818 mailbox reconciliation there's two approaches. We could either 706d1345-dc05-4400-8ea6-2dda326b83fa-8 00:24:17.818 --> 00:24:19.510 give you a blank spreadsheet af6e9655-8a3f-4990-83fa-ff40a23211d6-0 00:24:19.670 --> 00:24:24.510 and we could ask you to fill that out yourselves, which isn't af6e9655-8a3f-4990-83fa-ff40a23211d6-1 00:24:24.510 --> 00:24:29.194 an easy job. We don't do that. Instead we use our Directory af6e9655-8a3f-4990-83fa-ff40a23211d6-2 00:24:29.194 --> 00:24:33.566 Manager, um solution, which is an NHS specific identity af6e9655-8a3f-4990-83fa-ff40a23211d6-3 00:24:33.566 --> 00:24:35.050 management service. 2ddea118-b466-4884-a544-1df6e89d3496-0 00:24:35.970 --> 00:24:39.734 We use the matching engine in that to provide automated 2ddea118-b466-4884-a544-1df6e89d3496-1 00:24:39.734 --> 00:24:43.970 matches and mailboxes that we just don't take that. We also do 2ddea118-b466-4884-a544-1df6e89d3496-2 00:24:43.970 --> 00:24:48.340 communicate back to staff, tell them what their matches are. But 2ddea118-b466-4884-a544-1df6e89d3496-3 00:24:48.340 --> 00:24:52.441 there's a there's a managed process that we've used on every 2ddea118-b466-4884-a544-1df6e89d3496-4 00:24:52.441 --> 00:24:56.273 project to get this matching right and it saves a lot of 2ddea118-b466-4884-a544-1df6e89d3496-5 00:24:56.273 --> 00:25:00.576 effort and a lot of time, helps us to speed up that preparation 2ddea118-b466-4884-a544-1df6e89d3496-6 00:25:00.576 --> 00:25:04.744 stage and actually move into migration. Now Directory manager 2ddea118-b466-4884-a544-1df6e89d3496-7 00:25:04.744 --> 00:25:06.560 itself can also be licenced 4ea67ae5-f598-4f27-9c0a-0331ca8b5d9a-0 00:25:06.760 --> 00:25:10.913 and it's purely optional. But it can be licenced to provide 4ea67ae5-f598-4f27-9c0a-0331ca8b5d9a-1 00:25:10.913 --> 00:25:15.205 ongoing identity management, which includes provisioning your 4ea67ae5-f598-4f27-9c0a-0331ca8b5d9a-2 00:25:15.205 --> 00:25:19.289 NHSmail accounts once the projects over for people joining 4ea67ae5-f598-4f27-9c0a-0331ca8b5d9a-3 00:25:19.289 --> 00:25:23.304 your organisation also leave a joiner process changes, It 4ea67ae5-f598-4f27-9c0a-0331ca8b5d9a-4 00:25:23.304 --> 00:25:27.735 integrates with the electronic staff records so we can push the 4ea67ae5-f598-4f27-9c0a-0331ca8b5d9a-5 00:25:27.735 --> 00:25:31.888 NHSmail e-mail address back up to there. Some organisations 4ea67ae5-f598-4f27-9c0a-0331ca8b5d9a-6 00:25:31.888 --> 00:25:36.249 like to take that as part of the NHSmail package at the start, 7e84b5cd-446d-4a41-8615-65f7e8c04955-0 00:25:36.940 --> 00:25:39.920 others purchase it later on, but it's purely optional. c5db7e6f-456c-4f68-bd10-a94c637ef5f9-0 00:25:41.070 --> 00:25:42.630 OK. Next slide please. 5479402a-173c-4e06-a770-9eb1f109259e-0 00:25:45.800 --> 00:25:49.752 So once we're prepared, ready to go as you would expect we would, 5479402a-173c-4e06-a770-9eb1f109259e-1 00:25:49.752 --> 00:25:53.584 we'd conduct a series of pilot migrations before we go into the 5479402a-173c-4e06-a770-9eb1f109259e-2 00:25:53.584 --> 00:25:57.177 main migration itself. And when we're at the main migration 5479402a-173c-4e06-a770-9eb1f109259e-3 00:25:57.177 --> 00:26:01.069 stage, really all the hard work has been done and it's a case of 5479402a-173c-4e06-a770-9eb1f109259e-4 00:26:01.069 --> 00:26:04.841 repeating a technical process. So in terms of what we migrate, 5479402a-173c-4e06-a770-9eb1f109259e-5 00:26:04.841 --> 00:26:08.194 obviously we've got the user mailboxes, also need to be 5479402a-173c-4e06-a770-9eb1f109259e-6 00:26:08.194 --> 00:26:10.650 mindful of shared and resource mailboxes b823c070-1689-45a2-949d-8dc366c6a39c-0 00:26:11.890 --> 00:26:15.806 and we can be extremely flexible in terms of what we migrate, b823c070-1689-45a2-949d-8dc366c6a39c-1 00:26:15.806 --> 00:26:19.470 what we don't, so we can select all your mailbox folders. 79403357-b4a1-4437-822c-fd3330613395-0 00:26:20.570 --> 00:26:24.476 Probably you don't want to take across junk items, we've never 79403357-b4a1-4437-822c-fd3330613395-1 00:26:24.476 --> 00:26:27.576 done that one before. Technically we could but we 79403357-b4a1-4437-822c-fd3330613395-2 00:26:27.576 --> 00:26:31.296 wouldn't. But some organisations for example choose to take 79403357-b4a1-4437-822c-fd3330613395-3 00:26:31.296 --> 00:26:34.768 across deleted items, Others don't obviously need to be 79403357-b4a1-4437-822c-fd3330613395-4 00:26:34.768 --> 00:26:38.736 mindful that the E3 restricted licence will give you a four gig 79403357-b4a1-4437-822c-fd3330613395-5 00:26:38.736 --> 00:26:42.580 mailbox for 90% of your staff. So once we've got the matching 79403357-b4a1-4437-822c-fd3330613395-6 00:26:42.580 --> 00:26:46.052 in place we can look at the total size of mailbox after 79403357-b4a1-4437-822c-fd3330613395-7 00:26:46.052 --> 00:26:49.896 migration. So if there's any existing data in NHSmail, add to 79403357-b4a1-4437-822c-fd3330613395-8 00:26:49.896 --> 00:26:51.880 that what we're going to migrate 1d174d6d-8684-4c28-9b4c-042c81249025-0 00:26:52.000 --> 00:26:55.700 and we can work out with you what you wanna take across and 1d174d6d-8684-4c28-9b4c-042c81249025-1 00:26:55.700 --> 00:26:59.153 what perhaps you don't. We can also date limit it. Most 1d174d6d-8684-4c28-9b4c-042c81249025-2 00:26:59.153 --> 00:27:02.792 organisations take across all data, but if for example you 1d174d6d-8684-4c28-9b4c-042c81249025-3 00:27:02.792 --> 00:27:06.739 wanted to take across the last 12 months, you know we could, we 1d174d6d-8684-4c28-9b4c-042c81249025-4 00:27:06.739 --> 00:27:10.686 could do that too. We can also have a mixed approach. You might 1d174d6d-8684-4c28-9b4c-042c81249025-5 00:27:10.686 --> 00:27:14.447 want to take across everything for your VIPs, you've got the 1d174d6d-8684-4c28-9b4c-042c81249025-6 00:27:14.447 --> 00:27:18.456 larger mailbox and be a bit more restrictive on the other stuff. 1d174d6d-8684-4c28-9b4c-042c81249025-7 00:27:18.456 --> 00:27:22.094 We can also migrate your mailbox permissions, again that's 1d174d6d-8684-4c28-9b4c-042c81249025-8 00:27:22.094 --> 00:27:22.650 optional. 573fcad8-c2cc-4f64-8037-c1f052dedc86-0 00:27:23.790 --> 00:27:28.224 They're defined at 2 levels, so you've got mailbox level which 573fcad8-c2cc-4f64-8037-c1f052dedc86-1 00:27:28.224 --> 00:27:32.728 is full access send us send on behalf of and we've also got the 573fcad8-c2cc-4f64-8037-c1f052dedc86-2 00:27:32.728 --> 00:27:36.317 folder level so their permissions delegated by end 573fcad8-c2cc-4f64-8037-c1f052dedc86-3 00:27:36.317 --> 00:27:40.963 users themselves. So for example a manager delegate and access to 573fcad8-c2cc-4f64-8037-c1f052dedc86-4 00:27:40.963 --> 00:27:44.060 their PA so they can access their calendar. aa4f6904-eabf-4c62-86b6-d9475ac8e920-0 00:27:45.920 --> 00:27:50.551 So when you move to NHSmail, most of you will probably be aa4f6904-eabf-4c62-86b6-d9475ac8e920-1 00:27:50.551 --> 00:27:54.784 aware your e-mail address changes. And Chris already aa4f6904-eabf-4c62-86b6-d9475ac8e920-2 00:27:54.784 --> 00:27:57.020 mentioned it's at at nhs.net 07afc698-e393-486c-a8c9-6f130c9c3fdf-0 00:27:58.270 --> 00:28:02.593 suffix rather than taking across your your existing e-mail 07afc698-e393-486c-a8c9-6f130c9c3fdf-1 00:28:02.593 --> 00:28:05.744 address, which isorganisationnamednhs.uk. 07afc698-e393-486c-a8c9-6f130c9c3fdf-2 00:28:05.744 --> 00:28:09.921 However, those old e-mail addresses have been around for 07afc698-e393-486c-a8c9-6f130c9c3fdf-3 00:28:09.921 --> 00:28:14.610 years since day one really, so they can't just be cut off dead. 07afc698-e393-486c-a8c9-6f130c9c3fdf-4 00:28:14.610 --> 00:28:18.934 So during the migration we forward from the old mailbox to 07afc698-e393-486c-a8c9-6f130c9c3fdf-5 00:28:18.934 --> 00:28:23.550 the new mailbox so we don't lose any emails. At the end of it, 07afc698-e393-486c-a8c9-6f130c9c3fdf-6 00:28:23.550 --> 00:28:28.240 you don't really want to leave your old e-mail service in place 07afc698-e393-486c-a8c9-6f130c9c3fdf-7 00:28:28.240 --> 00:28:28.900 just for b875c9dc-bd2a-49a0-97ee-1ede07ad4b9d-0 00:28:28.980 --> 00:28:32.698 perhaps is a forwarding, so there is a process we can go b875c9dc-bd2a-49a0-97ee-1ede07ad4b9d-1 00:28:32.698 --> 00:28:36.417 through. It's referred to as annex cutover, where we can b875c9dc-bd2a-49a0-97ee-1ede07ad4b9d-2 00:28:36.417 --> 00:28:40.593 essentially export out those old e-mail addresses. We pass that b875c9dc-bd2a-49a0-97ee-1ede07ad4b9d-3 00:28:40.593 --> 00:28:44.638 information across to NHSmail, they're imported as secondary, b875c9dc-bd2a-49a0-97ee-1ede07ad4b9d-4 00:28:44.638 --> 00:28:48.748 receive only e-mail addresses and then we flip where your mail b875c9dc-bd2a-49a0-97ee-1ede07ad4b9d-5 00:28:48.748 --> 00:28:51.879 is delivered, so it goes directly into NHSmail. 90b4b0a8-3b91-4d9b-b5a3-fedab9b071bc-0 00:28:52.630 --> 00:28:56.421 That then removes that reliance on the forwarding from that 90b4b0a8-3b91-4d9b-b5a3-fedab9b071bc-1 00:28:56.421 --> 00:28:59.833 source e-mail service because you're going to want to 90b4b0a8-3b91-4d9b-b5a3-fedab9b071bc-2 00:28:59.833 --> 00:29:03.815 decommission that eventually. We can also migrate distribution 90b4b0a8-3b91-4d9b-b5a3-fedab9b071bc-3 00:29:03.815 --> 00:29:07.922 groups if you want them to come across. So we can bulk provision 90b4b0a8-3b91-4d9b-b5a3-fedab9b071bc-4 00:29:07.922 --> 00:29:11.461 those groups and we can also populate them based on the 90b4b0a8-3b91-4d9b-b5a3-fedab9b071bc-5 00:29:11.461 --> 00:29:15.000 mapping, which we did during the mailbox reconciliation 1bc783ea-7234-4267-b8d3-138c148e0467-0 00:29:16.640 --> 00:29:20.523 Outlook profile. So we can update these for you. We can 1bc783ea-7234-4267-b8d3-138c148e0467-1 00:29:20.523 --> 00:29:21.910 create new profiles. b9ee9a40-f373-4eac-ae64-2d77da2b0c09-0 00:29:22.570 --> 00:29:27.002 We used to do this at the log on stage so staff would be prompted b9ee9a40-f373-4eac-ae64-2d77da2b0c09-1 00:29:27.002 --> 00:29:31.166 to restart their machine after the mailbox had been cut over. b9ee9a40-f373-4eac-ae64-2d77da2b0c09-2 00:29:31.166 --> 00:29:35.263 However, as a result of the pandemic, we found on several of b9ee9a40-f373-4eac-ae64-2d77da2b0c09-3 00:29:35.263 --> 00:29:38.890 our projects that we literally had thousands of staff a430903f-07f7-49cd-9d8e-cef48ac88000-0 00:29:39.540 --> 00:29:43.814 not coming into the office and with no intention of doing that. a430903f-07f7-49cd-9d8e-cef48ac88000-1 00:29:43.814 --> 00:29:47.954 So we updated the process and so that the the Outlook profile a430903f-07f7-49cd-9d8e-cef48ac88000-2 00:29:47.954 --> 00:29:52.095 generation could happen without having to do a true log on to a430903f-07f7-49cd-9d8e-cef48ac88000-3 00:29:52.095 --> 00:29:56.102 the machine if your VPN didn't support that. So essentially a430903f-07f7-49cd-9d8e-cef48ac88000-4 00:29:56.102 --> 00:29:56.769 what we do 1252a013-e649-4b4b-877f-d9215a8cce78-0 00:29:58.620 --> 00:30:02.593 there's that that the client itself will check periodically 1252a013-e649-4b4b-877f-d9215a8cce78-1 00:30:02.593 --> 00:30:06.699 every 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes to see if the mailbox 1252a013-e649-4b4b-877f-d9215a8cce78-2 00:30:06.699 --> 00:30:10.606 has been cut over. Once it happens, if Outlook is running, 1252a013-e649-4b4b-877f-d9215a8cce78-3 00:30:10.606 --> 00:30:14.712 the user will be prompted with a customizable message telling 1252a013-e649-4b4b-877f-d9215a8cce78-4 00:30:14.712 --> 00:30:19.017 them they've now been called to NHSmail asking them to shut down 1252a013-e649-4b4b-877f-d9215a8cce78-5 00:30:19.017 --> 00:30:22.858 Outlook. It then watches for Outlook to shut down, does a 1252a013-e649-4b4b-877f-d9215a8cce78-6 00:30:22.858 --> 00:30:26.633 profile, tells them it's been done, gives them their new 1252a013-e649-4b4b-877f-d9215a8cce78-7 00:30:26.633 --> 00:30:28.089 NHSmail e-mail address 0dc95217-8e1e-475a-823a-5ea93439e474-0 00:30:29.160 --> 00:30:30.570 that and off I go. 9f94bd84-b7e2-40df-bffc-37e1e2440efe-0 00:30:32.010 --> 00:30:34.700 and PST files. 7a9625ec-b17f-4020-8b84-0cb68ff1b1d5-0 00:30:35.400 --> 00:30:39.454 Exchange administrators don't like them, but they do exist. 7a9625ec-b17f-4020-8b84-0cb68ff1b1d5-1 00:30:39.454 --> 00:30:43.238 They tend to get everywhere, local hard drives, network 7a9625ec-b17f-4020-8b84-0cb68ff1b1d5-2 00:30:43.238 --> 00:30:47.563 shares and the like. So we can migrate PST files for you if you 7a9625ec-b17f-4020-8b84-0cb68ff1b1d5-3 00:30:47.563 --> 00:30:51.415 want. It's an option. We wouldn't charge you for that if 7a9625ec-b17f-4020-8b84-0cb68ff1b1d5-4 00:30:51.415 --> 00:30:55.604 you didn't need it. But we can take the PST files from source 7a9625ec-b17f-4020-8b84-0cb68ff1b1d5-5 00:30:55.604 --> 00:30:59.861 and move them direct into the Exchange Online archive mailbox. 7a9625ec-b17f-4020-8b84-0cb68ff1b1d5-6 00:30:59.861 --> 00:31:04.118 And we partner with our partner with Quest for this. So it's a 7a9625ec-b17f-4020-8b84-0cb68ff1b1d5-7 00:31:04.118 --> 00:31:07.430 Quest tool we use. We can also provide migration 00c75db1-fc27-4b8a-854f-cf58a8c3baf3-0 00:31:07.510 --> 00:31:12.260 of other types of data to Office 365. So those other workloads 00c75db1-fc27-4b8a-854f-cf58a8c3baf3-1 00:31:12.260 --> 00:31:16.710 that's namely the likes of OneDrive, SharePoint, teams and 00c75db1-fc27-4b8a-854f-cf58a8c3baf3-2 00:31:16.710 --> 00:31:21.310 again we partner with Quest for that who will be coming up a 00c75db1-fc27-4b8a-854f-cf58a8c3baf3-3 00:31:21.310 --> 00:31:25.910 little bit later. So I won't, I won't still there there fund b3cbe564-dc65-4d15-a65b-44c8f3ad449a-0 00:31:27.630 --> 00:31:31.908 in terms of our approach to delivering the project, we we b3cbe564-dc65-4d15-a65b-44c8f3ad449a-1 00:31:31.908 --> 00:31:36.333 tend to be as flexible as we possibly can and we will go at b3cbe564-dc65-4d15-a65b-44c8f3ad449a-2 00:31:36.333 --> 00:31:40.538 your pace. You know, we understand that everybody's busy b3cbe564-dc65-4d15-a65b-44c8f3ad449a-3 00:31:40.538 --> 00:31:43.120 and sometimes things have to wait. e92fae41-d5b3-4a3f-8176-1bfb5d6fa343-0 00:31:45.300 --> 00:31:46.870 I just saw someone clapping me next. 92f9f27f-b2c9-45a9-b363-9cc79791480b-0 00:31:48.410 --> 00:31:52.372 I perceive that resonates with people. yeah, so, so, so, so 92f9f27f-b2c9-45a9-b363-9cc79791480b-1 00:31:52.372 --> 00:31:56.595 we'll we'll work with your team and obviously you know we we can 92f9f27f-b2c9-45a9-b363-9cc79791480b-2 00:31:56.595 --> 00:32:00.753 start to talk about time scales and that when when the projects 92f9f27f-b2c9-45a9-b363-9cc79791480b-3 00:32:00.753 --> 00:32:04.975 actually initiated. In terms of actually scoping a project, it's 92f9f27f-b2c9-45a9-b363-9cc79791480b-4 00:32:04.975 --> 00:32:06.340 very straightforward. d344a884-49fc-4648-a999-c6af3bd57826-0 00:32:07.830 --> 00:32:11.716 The first question we ask is how many sources e-mail systems do d344a884-49fc-4648-a999-c6af3bd57826-1 00:32:11.716 --> 00:32:15.420 you have? Typically it's one, but we have done some projects d344a884-49fc-4648-a999-c6af3bd57826-2 00:32:15.420 --> 00:32:19.185 where trusts have merged but they haven't got to the point of d344a884-49fc-4648-a999-c6af3bd57826-3 00:32:19.185 --> 00:32:22.768 merging e-mail services and they're using NHSmail as a way d344a884-49fc-4648-a999-c6af3bd57826-4 00:32:22.768 --> 00:32:26.593 of doing that. And then it's a number of mailboxes. Once we've d344a884-49fc-4648-a999-c6af3bd57826-5 00:32:26.593 --> 00:32:30.540 got that we can give you a price per mailbox for the service end d344a884-49fc-4648-a999-c6af3bd57826-6 00:32:30.540 --> 00:32:33.819 to end. There's no hidden extras or gotchas in there. bd17eaf8-e342-46f8-9475-18c881ac345e-0 00:32:35.370 --> 00:32:39.532 If you wanna actually talk further about how we do this and bd17eaf8-e342-46f8-9475-18c881ac345e-1 00:32:39.532 --> 00:32:43.973 what what a project might look like for you, you can talk to me bd17eaf8-e342-46f8-9475-18c881ac345e-2 00:32:43.973 --> 00:32:48.205 direct. Obviously go via the guys at NHS Digital 1st and I'd bd17eaf8-e342-46f8-9475-18c881ac345e-3 00:32:48.205 --> 00:32:51.050 be very happy to talk to you. Thank you. cbc72a9e-68a1-4326-bdde-18edb9b4a7f5-0 00:32:52.380 --> 00:32:56.481 Thanks Lee for the comprehensive overview. Really appreciate cbc72a9e-68a1-4326-bdde-18edb9b4a7f5-1 00:32:56.481 --> 00:33:00.516 that. That does bring us to the end of the approved managed cbc72a9e-68a1-4326-bdde-18edb9b4a7f5-2 00:33:00.516 --> 00:33:04.483 migration partners. So I'll move on to the the tooling and cbc72a9e-68a1-4326-bdde-18edb9b4a7f5-3 00:33:04.483 --> 00:33:08.652 consultancy partners. So Paul, I believe you'll be presenting cbc72a9e-68a1-4326-bdde-18edb9b4a7f5-4 00:33:08.652 --> 00:33:09.930 next for bit Titan. 082e0932-87b8-4fb9-82b4-955905e687b8-0 00:33:12.320 --> 00:33:16.786 Yeah, thanks very much Chris. Hi everyone. Very nice to to meet 082e0932-87b8-4fb9-82b4-955905e687b8-1 00:33:16.786 --> 00:33:21.183 you all. And my name's Paul Agar and I'm the EMEA Region Sales 082e0932-87b8-4fb9-82b4-955905e687b8-2 00:33:21.183 --> 00:33:25.231 director for bit Titan based in in the UK and my, my wife 082e0932-87b8-4fb9-82b4-955905e687b8-3 00:33:25.231 --> 00:33:29.419 actually works for the NHS, he's the assistant director for 082e0932-87b8-4fb9-82b4-955905e687b8-4 00:33:29.419 --> 00:33:33.606 safeguarding in in one of the large NHS trusts in the North 082e0932-87b8-4fb9-82b4-955905e687b8-5 00:33:33.606 --> 00:33:37.794 East of England. So the NHS is an organisation that's very, 082e0932-87b8-4fb9-82b4-955905e687b8-6 00:33:37.794 --> 00:33:42.261 very close and close to my heart and I very much enjoy the work 082e0932-87b8-4fb9-82b4-955905e687b8-7 00:33:42.261 --> 00:33:42.610 that. 7e93a201-ad25-4bde-b386-924b92756365-0 00:33:42.870 --> 00:33:46.060 So I'll deal with the NHS and hopefully the benefits that 7e93a201-ad25-4bde-b386-924b92756365-1 00:33:46.060 --> 00:33:48.920 we're we're delivering to to you as an organisation 77165857-552d-465b-8f27-ce557b615dc0-0 00:33:50.210 --> 00:33:54.347 in terms of who and bit Titan are and we're a software as a 77165857-552d-465b-8f27-ce557b615dc0-1 00:33:54.347 --> 00:33:58.830 service vendor. And what I mean by that is that we write our own 77165857-552d-465b-8f27-ce557b615dc0-2 00:33:58.830 --> 00:34:02.554 migration software and we provide the platform and we 77165857-552d-465b-8f27-ce557b615dc0-3 00:34:02.554 --> 00:34:06.760 support organisations that are using the the software but we 77165857-552d-465b-8f27-ce557b615dc0-4 00:34:06.760 --> 00:34:10.691 don't actually deliver any migration services ourselves. 77165857-552d-465b-8f27-ce557b615dc0-5 00:34:10.691 --> 00:34:15.243 Our mission in life really is to is to write the software and and 77165857-552d-465b-8f27-ce557b615dc0-6 00:34:15.243 --> 00:34:19.311 and and support it. And so in terms of of what the sort of 77165857-552d-465b-8f27-ce557b615dc0-7 00:34:19.311 --> 00:34:20.759 concept is behind our 68c52885-cbd3-4a3b-a569-0a0834540a7c-0 00:34:20.830 --> 00:34:25.161 software it's it's deliberately designed to be a very, very easy 68c52885-cbd3-4a3b-a569-0a0834540a7c-1 00:34:25.161 --> 00:34:29.027 to use and migration platform. And it's it's got a single 68c52885-cbd3-4a3b-a569-0a0834540a7c-2 00:34:29.027 --> 00:34:33.159 interface um through which you can undertake migrations of of 68c52885-cbd3-4a3b-a569-0a0834540a7c-3 00:34:33.159 --> 00:34:36.691 of many different different routes. So we don't have 68c52885-cbd3-4a3b-a569-0a0834540a7c-4 00:34:36.691 --> 00:34:41.090 different versions for different migration routes. So it's fairly 68c52885-cbd3-4a3b-a569-0a0834540a7c-5 00:34:41.090 --> 00:34:45.155 easy to understand which of our products it is that that you 68c52885-cbd3-4a3b-a569-0a0834540a7c-6 00:34:45.155 --> 00:34:48.887 need to use and we are a pureplay software as a service 68c52885-cbd3-4a3b-a569-0a0834540a7c-7 00:34:48.887 --> 00:34:52.220 tool. And what essentially that means is that you 01d3d338-ec25-4791-97ee-e3ccb8d8afb4-0 00:34:52.300 --> 00:34:56.436 don't need to install any on premise infrastructure, any on 01d3d338-ec25-4791-97ee-e3ccb8d8afb4-1 00:34:56.436 --> 00:35:00.091 Prem, on premise hardware or software etc to use the 01d3d338-ec25-4791-97ee-e3ccb8d8afb4-2 00:35:00.091 --> 00:35:04.366 software. So it's very, very quick and easy to deploy and get 01d3d338-ec25-4791-97ee-e3ccb8d8afb4-3 00:35:04.366 --> 00:35:08.434 up and running and it runs on Microsoft Azure which is I'm 01d3d338-ec25-4791-97ee-e3ccb8d8afb4-4 00:35:08.434 --> 00:35:12.708 sure that you all appreciate us is a very secure scalable and 01d3d338-ec25-4791-97ee-e3ccb8d8afb4-5 00:35:12.708 --> 00:35:13.950 compliant platform f37bf9ec-4479-4e8b-9308-d0e61aa4e3b7-0 00:35:14.750 --> 00:35:18.601 and and and and and and we we really have built the software f37bf9ec-4479-4e8b-9308-d0e61aa4e3b7-1 00:35:18.601 --> 00:35:22.642 and so that it's an enterprise grade and migration tool and and f37bf9ec-4479-4e8b-9308-d0e61aa4e3b7-2 00:35:22.642 --> 00:35:26.431 and as as Rachel said a little bit earlier on in the in the f37bf9ec-4479-4e8b-9308-d0e61aa4e3b7-3 00:35:26.431 --> 00:35:30.409 session and the what we do in terms of of migrations it's I, I f37bf9ec-4479-4e8b-9308-d0e61aa4e3b7-4 00:35:30.409 --> 00:35:33.945 I like to say sometimes to people that that we're often f37bf9ec-4479-4e8b-9308-d0e61aa4e3b7-5 00:35:33.945 --> 00:35:38.112 we're with clusters of glorified copy and paste tool where it's a f37bf9ec-4479-4e8b-9308-d0e61aa4e3b7-6 00:35:38.112 --> 00:35:42.153 lot more complex than that. But the point I'm trying to make in f37bf9ec-4479-4e8b-9308-d0e61aa4e3b7-7 00:35:42.153 --> 00:35:45.500 describing the software in that way is that we don't de1fb829-86bb-42fc-932a-8dc4ff749456-0 00:35:45.590 --> 00:35:48.995 edit, change or delete any of the data and in the source when de1fb829-86bb-42fc-932a-8dc4ff749456-1 00:35:48.995 --> 00:35:52.456 we migrating it to the to the destination. So you always got a de1fb829-86bb-42fc-932a-8dc4ff749456-2 00:35:52.456 --> 00:35:53.500 rollback back there d4e2d593-a7a0-4c25-97a8-28ddaa918f9c-0 00:35:54.410 --> 00:35:58.876 and and in terms of and if using the the software it's very, very d4e2d593-a7a0-4c25-97a8-28ddaa918f9c-1 00:35:58.876 --> 00:36:03.071 fast and software and to to use and we get a number of people d4e2d593-a7a0-4c25-97a8-28ddaa918f9c-2 00:36:03.071 --> 00:36:07.469 that ask us what sort of speeds we we get. Obviously that's very d4e2d593-a7a0-4c25-97a8-28ddaa918f9c-3 00:36:07.469 --> 00:36:11.461 very dependent on on all sorts of network bandwidth issues d4e2d593-a7a0-4c25-97a8-28ddaa918f9c-4 00:36:11.461 --> 00:36:15.521 etcetera. But as a as an average and a rule of thumb, we're d4e2d593-a7a0-4c25-97a8-28ddaa918f9c-5 00:36:15.521 --> 00:36:19.717 getting roundabout 1 GB worth of of of data per user per hour d4e2d593-a7a0-4c25-97a8-28ddaa918f9c-6 00:36:19.717 --> 00:36:23.980 migrated. And we've worked with organisations from there's one d4e2d593-a7a0-4c25-97a8-28ddaa918f9c-7 00:36:23.980 --> 00:36:24.859 or two people b1815df2-85f1-462f-a6ca-080940364435-0 00:36:24.930 --> 00:36:28.696 right the way up to organisations that are migrating b1815df2-85f1-462f-a6ca-080940364435-1 00:36:28.696 --> 00:36:30.900 hundreds of thousands of users. 09062be8-8ce5-447d-a695-6f1cd9c031ba-0 00:36:31.830 --> 00:36:34.410 And could we move on to the next slide please? 2ce71adb-a592-4f7b-ba18-eba09e5b5323-0 00:36:38.470 --> 00:36:39.330 Alright, thanks very much. 70fb1aaa-99b6-440a-8f59-9792ebcebb77-0 00:36:40.020 --> 00:36:43.678 And so in terms of what our proposition and is to the to the 70fb1aaa-99b6-440a-8f59-9792ebcebb77-1 00:36:43.678 --> 00:36:47.277 NHS as I said a a few seconds ago and we we do believe that 70fb1aaa-99b6-440a-8f59-9792ebcebb77-2 00:36:47.277 --> 00:36:50.936 we're a leading software as a service migration solution. So 70fb1aaa-99b6-440a-8f59-9792ebcebb77-3 00:36:50.936 --> 00:36:54.115 we started life migrating organisations from on Prem 70fb1aaa-99b6-440a-8f59-9792ebcebb77-4 00:36:54.115 --> 00:36:57.834 systems into the clouds and it's the clouds being more widely 70fb1aaa-99b6-440a-8f59-9792ebcebb77-5 00:36:57.834 --> 00:37:01.432 adopted and by far the biggest story of activity that we're 70fb1aaa-99b6-440a-8f59-9792ebcebb77-6 00:37:01.432 --> 00:37:05.331 involved with, involved with now is tenant to tenant migrations. 70fb1aaa-99b6-440a-8f59-9792ebcebb77-7 00:37:05.331 --> 00:37:08.630 So obviously that includes migrating workloads such as 70fb1aaa-99b6-440a-8f59-9792ebcebb77-8 00:37:08.630 --> 00:37:10.429 e-mail OneDrive archives Teams 565d72f9-e8f9-4987-b183-4f2e9de9ed9a-0 00:37:10.530 --> 00:37:14.390 SharePoint Online and also where public folders as as well b3b80839-f95e-48c1-8df5-b94fe73c0f8d-0 00:37:15.370 --> 00:37:19.296 and we've got we've had a had a four year relationship with b3b80839-f95e-48c1-8df5-b94fe73c0f8d-1 00:37:19.296 --> 00:37:23.158 Accenture delivering their migration services to to to the b3b80839-f95e-48c1-8df5-b94fe73c0f8d-2 00:37:23.158 --> 00:37:27.281 NHS and and in that time we've made we've migrated some of the b3b80839-f95e-48c1-8df5-b94fe73c0f8d-3 00:37:27.281 --> 00:37:31.535 largest NHS trusts and and in in the the the there. So obviously b3b80839-f95e-48c1-8df5-b94fe73c0f8d-4 00:37:31.535 --> 00:37:35.724 I think Rachel mentioned a few names before. People that I know b3b80839-f95e-48c1-8df5-b94fe73c0f8d-5 00:37:35.724 --> 00:37:39.520 that have been heavily involved with are trust like South b3b80839-f95e-48c1-8df5-b94fe73c0f8d-6 00:37:39.520 --> 00:37:43.512 Tyneside, Sheffield Sheffield teaching North and South Essex b3b80839-f95e-48c1-8df5-b94fe73c0f8d-7 00:37:43.512 --> 00:37:46.000 and we've also done projects with NHS 3c2816c6-6566-488e-9983-7b7255549929-0 00:37:46.120 --> 00:37:46.700 Digital b4509605-4354-40f5-81cc-049a118a00ca-0 00:37:47.980 --> 00:37:52.300 and and and and in in that that four year. Uh we've migrated b4509605-4354-40f5-81cc-049a118a00ca-1 00:37:52.300 --> 00:37:56.832 over 400,000 and NHS mailboxes to to to NHSmail and and and and b4509605-4354-40f5-81cc-049a118a00ca-2 00:37:56.832 --> 00:38:01.294 again to give you examples of the sort of scale and speed that b4509605-4354-40f5-81cc-049a118a00ca-3 00:38:01.294 --> 00:38:05.827 we can we can go at in in 2020 across a six month period and we b4509605-4354-40f5-81cc-049a118a00ca-4 00:38:05.827 --> 00:38:09.864 migrated on average 24,000 mailboxes per month which was b4509605-4354-40f5-81cc-049a118a00ca-5 00:38:09.864 --> 00:38:14.184 obviously turned in in very close cooperation with Accenture b4509605-4354-40f5-81cc-049a118a00ca-6 00:38:14.184 --> 00:38:18.221 and Avanade hoods who'd very carefully planned and those b4509605-4354-40f5-81cc-049a118a00ca-7 00:38:18.221 --> 00:38:18.929 migrations a24a387c-1759-47d9-af48-4c2682a74faf-0 00:38:19.000 --> 00:38:22.190 and and it was it was great with with with those particular a24a387c-1759-47d9-af48-4c2682a74faf-1 00:38:22.190 --> 00:38:25.647 projects. I think that they they they actually started and ended a24a387c-1759-47d9-af48-4c2682a74faf-2 00:38:25.647 --> 00:38:28.997 and exactly on the sort of days that were were planned as part a24a387c-1759-47d9-af48-4c2682a74faf-3 00:38:28.997 --> 00:38:32.294 of the the project plan that Etcetera and Avanade and put put a24a387c-1759-47d9-af48-4c2682a74faf-4 00:38:32.294 --> 00:38:32.720 together 63cf0a49-5624-4506-b100-ad9c0748e35c-0 00:38:33.680 --> 00:38:37.742 and in and in 2021 last year we spent an awful lot of 63cf0a49-5624-4506-b100-ad9c0748e35c-1 00:38:37.742 --> 00:38:42.557 development time and developing our our core products and to to 63cf0a49-5624-4506-b100-ad9c0748e35c-2 00:38:42.557 --> 00:38:47.296 reflect the the requirements of of the NHS in tenant to tenant 63cf0a49-5624-4506-b100-ad9c0748e35c-3 00:38:47.296 --> 00:38:51.885 migrations So. So in 2021 we we we had our products solution 63cf0a49-5624-4506-b100-ad9c0748e35c-4 00:38:51.885 --> 00:38:55.948 assured by NHS Digital to migrate Teams, OneDrive and 63cf0a49-5624-4506-b100-ad9c0748e35c-5 00:38:55.948 --> 00:38:59.860 SharePoint in a tenant to tenant migration project. 352976d9-dc1e-4700-a547-f81a0a932c56-0 00:39:00.820 --> 00:39:02.907 If you could go to the next slide as well please that'd be 352976d9-dc1e-4700-a547-f81a0a932c56-1 00:39:02.907 --> 00:39:03.120 great, fa7efd2f-9b43-4446-8ea7-9cc539ad1efa-0 00:39:06.360 --> 00:39:09.998 excellent, Thanks. So in in terms of what our specific fa7efd2f-9b43-4446-8ea7-9cc539ad1efa-1 00:39:09.998 --> 00:39:13.769 proposition is to for for the NHS and again as as Rachel fa7efd2f-9b43-4446-8ea7-9cc539ad1efa-2 00:39:13.769 --> 00:39:17.804 referred to a little bit earlier on, we we use Azure as as I fa7efd2f-9b43-4446-8ea7-9cc539ad1efa-3 00:39:17.804 --> 00:39:22.104 mentioned as to as to compute to to undertake the migrations and fa7efd2f-9b43-4446-8ea7-9cc539ad1efa-4 00:39:22.104 --> 00:39:26.404 we've got a very, very specific infrastructure that we've set up fa7efd2f-9b43-4446-8ea7-9cc539ad1efa-5 00:39:26.404 --> 00:39:30.572 specifically for the NHS which uses UK only migration workers. fa7efd2f-9b43-4446-8ea7-9cc539ad1efa-6 00:39:30.572 --> 00:39:34.872 So essentially the service that migrate the data they're they're fa7efd2f-9b43-4446-8ea7-9cc539ad1efa-7 00:39:34.872 --> 00:39:37.319 purely located in in UK data centres 6824c318-52b6-48ed-902d-3bae9045e8e8-0 00:39:37.390 --> 00:39:40.421 which means that when the data is migrating it doesn't leave 6824c318-52b6-48ed-902d-3bae9045e8e8-1 00:39:40.421 --> 00:39:42.210 the shores of the of the of the UK. a5f6b52e-4b3e-4c74-8cc1-869776ea7337-0 00:39:43.330 --> 00:39:47.390 And as I as I mentioned a couple of minutes ago and last year we a5f6b52e-4b3e-4c74-8cc1-869776ea7337-1 00:39:47.390 --> 00:39:51.076 did an awful lot of work to customise the the core product a5f6b52e-4b3e-4c74-8cc1-869776ea7337-2 00:39:51.076 --> 00:39:54.886 to address the very specific security requirements that were a5f6b52e-4b3e-4c74-8cc1-869776ea7337-3 00:39:54.886 --> 00:39:58.447 dictated to us by NHS Digital. So we use delegate access a5f6b52e-4b3e-4c74-8cc1-869776ea7337-4 00:39:58.447 --> 00:40:01.633 permissions and role based access controls and the a5f6b52e-4b3e-4c74-8cc1-869776ea7337-5 00:40:01.633 --> 00:40:03.819 mechanism to migrate migrate data. e1306d96-b72f-44c0-8bfe-28601677d3c3-0 00:40:05.190 --> 00:40:08.190 Most of our work and with the NHS has been done in in e1306d96-b72f-44c0-8bfe-28601677d3c3-1 00:40:08.190 --> 00:40:11.524 conjunction with Accenture who use us as as at the heart of e1306d96-b72f-44c0-8bfe-28601677d3c3-2 00:40:11.524 --> 00:40:14.914 their managed migrations. And but we are obviously available e1306d96-b72f-44c0-8bfe-28601677d3c3-3 00:40:14.914 --> 00:40:18.248 to organisations if they want to undertake and self-service e1306d96-b72f-44c0-8bfe-28601677d3c3-4 00:40:18.248 --> 00:40:21.527 onboarding. And if that's something that you're interested e1306d96-b72f-44c0-8bfe-28601677d3c3-5 00:40:21.527 --> 00:40:25.083 in in pursuing then and please speak to NHS Digital and they'll e1306d96-b72f-44c0-8bfe-28601677d3c3-6 00:40:25.083 --> 00:40:27.139 coordinate that activity through us. c8bd22d1-79cb-408d-b28d-62c3770b1680-0 00:40:28.270 --> 00:40:31.293 So that's, that's all the, the, the slides that I wanted to run c8bd22d1-79cb-408d-b28d-62c3770b1680-1 00:40:31.293 --> 00:40:32.380 through with you today. 12652ad0-f852-43d0-9ca4-90f951cedc07-0 00:40:33.120 --> 00:40:36.291 Perfect. Thanks very much Paul. Really appreciate that. Thank 12652ad0-f852-43d0-9ca4-90f951cedc07-1 00:40:36.291 --> 00:40:37.110 you. No problem, 38e206b3-6c3a-4cde-a57e-f47cc61a9b9a-0 00:40:37.970 --> 00:40:42.756 lovely. I will move on to quest. Last but not least, Lee, I 38e206b3-6c3a-4cde-a57e-f47cc61a9b9a-1 00:40:42.756 --> 00:40:45.070 believe you'll be presenting. 33376831-65b3-41f3-b5ba-ea55d6b6b182-0 00:40:46.080 --> 00:40:47.330 Yeah, that's right, Chris. Thanks. d6d163b2-5f50-484a-b513-f8dbfbfc545a-0 00:40:52.430 --> 00:40:57.123 Hello everyone. Good morning. My name's Lee Watts, I'm the Head d6d163b2-5f50-484a-b513-f8dbfbfc545a-1 00:40:57.123 --> 00:41:01.451 of Public Sector for Quests, Microsoft Practise. So thanks d6d163b2-5f50-484a-b513-f8dbfbfc545a-2 00:41:01.451 --> 00:41:05.998 for the invite today. And NHS Digital is good to see you all, d6d163b2-5f50-484a-b513-f8dbfbfc545a-3 00:41:05.998 --> 00:41:10.398 so I won't take too much time here. We'll just go over some d6d163b2-5f50-484a-b513-f8dbfbfc545a-4 00:41:10.398 --> 00:41:14.726 brief highlights in terms of where Quest Software are with d6d163b2-5f50-484a-b513-f8dbfbfc545a-5 00:41:14.726 --> 00:41:18.540 the shared tenant platform, the industry validation abdcb4b0-ae2a-42fe-b6a5-2adf9612bff9-0 00:41:18.660 --> 00:41:22.852 within the NHS overall and who we are. And then we'll talk abdcb4b0-ae2a-42fe-b6a5-2adf9612bff9-1 00:41:22.852 --> 00:41:27.258 about some of the software and services that we offer as part abdcb4b0-ae2a-42fe-b6a5-2adf9612bff9-2 00:41:27.258 --> 00:41:30.030 of the NHS Digital Onboarding service, d29cf03d-26fb-4005-a8f8-810ec12f034a-0 00:41:31.330 --> 00:41:35.629 Um. So is um a couple of the vendors and suppliers have d29cf03d-26fb-4005-a8f8-810ec12f034a-1 00:41:35.629 --> 00:41:40.236 already said Quest have gone through the software assurance d29cf03d-26fb-4005-a8f8-810ec12f034a-2 00:41:40.236 --> 00:41:45.074 process with NHS Digital for a range of their migration tools. d29cf03d-26fb-4005-a8f8-810ec12f034a-3 00:41:45.074 --> 00:41:49.220 Quest Software as an organisation has been around for d29cf03d-26fb-4005-a8f8-810ec12f034a-4 00:41:49.220 --> 00:41:54.288 plus 30 years. We started within database management. We've moved d29cf03d-26fb-4005-a8f8-810ec12f034a-5 00:41:54.288 --> 00:41:59.048 on to migration through organic and acquisitive growth and we d29cf03d-26fb-4005-a8f8-810ec12f034a-6 00:41:59.048 --> 00:42:02.120 have a full portfolio of solutions that 8ee50819-6217-44e8-8115-9b4603d03152-0 00:42:02.210 --> 00:42:06.035 do identity and access management, governance. We've 8ee50819-6217-44e8-8115-9b4603d03152-1 00:42:06.035 --> 00:42:10.077 got a huge portfolio of solutions within the context of 8ee50819-6217-44e8-8115-9b4603d03152-2 00:42:10.077 --> 00:42:14.551 onboarding. We've acquired a number of organisations over the 8ee50819-6217-44e8-8115-9b4603d03152-3 00:42:14.551 --> 00:42:18.377 last few years to support our migration research and 8ee50819-6217-44e8-8115-9b4603d03152-4 00:42:18.377 --> 00:42:22.996 development. So we tackle most of the core workloads within the 8ee50819-6217-44e8-8115-9b4603d03152-5 00:42:22.996 --> 00:42:27.471 Microsoft 365 space as well as all the core Microsoft on Prem 8ee50819-6217-44e8-8115-9b4603d03152-6 00:42:27.471 --> 00:42:32.162 workloads that those NHS Trusts might want to consider moving up 8ee50819-6217-44e8-8115-9b4603d03152-7 00:42:32.162 --> 00:42:32.740 into the 5128dca5-0f7b-4cca-b033-37281da3dfcf-0 00:42:32.820 --> 00:42:37.320 their tenant service. Our goal really is an organisation is 5128dca5-0f7b-4cca-b033-37281da3dfcf-1 00:42:37.320 --> 00:42:39.120 Microsoft modernization. fdd6e96e-98ed-4ea9-b9e1-01e4f05058d7-0 00:42:40.480 --> 00:42:45.135 So what that what that means for Quest is that we look to help fdd6e96e-98ed-4ea9-b9e1-01e4f05058d7-1 00:42:45.135 --> 00:42:49.346 organisations both move those workloads, modernise those fdd6e96e-98ed-4ea9-b9e1-01e4f05058d7-2 00:42:49.346 --> 00:42:54.075 workloads and manage and secure those workloads. And as of last fdd6e96e-98ed-4ea9-b9e1-01e4f05058d7-3 00:42:54.075 --> 00:42:58.361 year, we were the global #1 cosell partner for Microsoft, fdd6e96e-98ed-4ea9-b9e1-01e4f05058d7-4 00:42:58.361 --> 00:43:03.016 which meant we drove adoption of Azure 365 and Microsoft Teams fdd6e96e-98ed-4ea9-b9e1-01e4f05058d7-5 00:43:03.016 --> 00:43:07.227 more than any other vendor globally. Just looking at the fdd6e96e-98ed-4ea9-b9e1-01e4f05058d7-6 00:43:07.227 --> 00:43:11.070 NHS in general, we've delivered some of the largest 91b59a2e-d081-411b-b79c-ed90533f31df-0 00:43:11.140 --> 00:43:15.810 NHS Trust migrations around identity and those core 365 91b59a2e-d081-411b-b79c-ed90533f31df-1 00:43:15.810 --> 00:43:20.730 workloads and we've obviously brought that experience into 91b59a2e-d081-411b-b79c-ed90533f31df-2 00:43:20.730 --> 00:43:25.984 this onboarding exercise. We've been around the NHS for a long 91b59a2e-d081-411b-b79c-ed90533f31df-3 00:43:25.984 --> 00:43:31.238 time. As part of the NHSmail two onboarding process, archiving 91b59a2e-d081-411b-b79c-ed90533f31df-4 00:43:31.238 --> 00:43:36.409 exchange product was used to help onboarding of NHS trusts as 91b59a2e-d081-411b-b79c-ed90533f31df-5 00:43:36.409 --> 00:43:41.163 those trusts moved their exchange environments into that 91b59a2e-d081-411b-b79c-ed90533f31df-6 00:43:41.163 --> 00:43:41.580 early 3084d798-ed5d-457c-817e-82e92d4818c3-0 00:43:41.760 --> 00:43:45.610 NHSmail service. We've also done a lot of work in terms of 3084d798-ed5d-457c-817e-82e92d4818c3-1 00:43:45.610 --> 00:43:49.656 mapping our solutions to some of the core guidelines that are 3084d798-ed5d-457c-817e-82e92d4818c3-2 00:43:49.656 --> 00:43:53.897 coming out from NHS Digital and the NCSC. So you'll obviously be 3084d798-ed5d-457c-817e-82e92d4818c3-3 00:43:53.897 --> 00:43:57.748 familiar with the NHS Data Security Protection Toolkit and 3084d798-ed5d-457c-817e-82e92d4818c3-4 00:43:57.748 --> 00:44:01.728 the Cyber Assessment Framework. So quests have done a lot of 3084d798-ed5d-457c-817e-82e92d4818c3-5 00:44:01.728 --> 00:44:04.600 work aligning to those to those guidelines. a908ca52-b03b-4cd4-87a9-ba3f89787919-0 00:44:06.040 --> 00:44:07.420 Next slide please. Chris, ae7d36fd-0dc5-4609-a7c1-7bb43b961f62-0 00:44:09.880 --> 00:44:13.629 So just a really, really quick overview. I think the benefit ae7d36fd-0dc5-4609-a7c1-7bb43b961f62-1 00:44:13.629 --> 00:44:17.440 really of of working with Quest software is unlike unlike bit ae7d36fd-0dc5-4609-a7c1-7bb43b961f62-2 00:44:17.440 --> 00:44:21.128 Titan, we we are, we are a software vendor but we also have ae7d36fd-0dc5-4609-a7c1-7bb43b961f62-3 00:44:21.128 --> 00:44:24.815 a large professional services practise. So when it comes to ae7d36fd-0dc5-4609-a7c1-7bb43b961f62-4 00:44:24.815 --> 00:44:28.258 the options in terms of onboarding that Chris mentioned ae7d36fd-0dc5-4609-a7c1-7bb43b961f62-5 00:44:28.258 --> 00:44:31.700 at the beginning of the presentation, you can work with ae7d36fd-0dc5-4609-a7c1-7bb43b961f62-6 00:44:31.700 --> 00:44:35.633 Quest with a managed partner, so a manager Azure partner. So we ae7d36fd-0dc5-4609-a7c1-7bb43b961f62-7 00:44:35.633 --> 00:44:38.830 typically work with BDS when it comes to onboarding b7d69630-eac1-448a-825f-b241b5920b8a-0 00:44:39.610 --> 00:44:43.943 or you can take a self managed approach with us, um using Quest b7d69630-eac1-448a-825f-b241b5920b8a-1 00:44:43.943 --> 00:44:47.810 Software and services or quest and your preferred systems b7d69630-eac1-448a-825f-b241b5920b8a-2 00:44:47.810 --> 00:44:51.876 integrator partner to deliver that self managed migration in b7d69630-eac1-448a-825f-b241b5920b8a-3 00:44:51.876 --> 00:44:55.210 line with your internal resources to deliver this b7d69630-eac1-448a-825f-b241b5920b8a-4 00:44:55.210 --> 00:44:56.410 programme of work. 1e41c060-dffc-40ac-917b-d26ec648a0bd-0 00:44:57.590 --> 00:45:01.202 I think one thing that that that we've certainly seen as as 1e41c060-dffc-40ac-917b-d26ec648a0bd-1 00:45:01.202 --> 00:45:04.936 people have adopted the adopted the shared tenant is that you 1e41c060-dffc-40ac-917b-d26ec648a0bd-2 00:45:04.936 --> 00:45:08.790 know they rapidly wanted to get the benefits of and adopt those 1e41c060-dffc-40ac-917b-d26ec648a0bd-3 00:45:08.790 --> 00:45:12.282 Productivity Tools and take advantage of those those core 1e41c060-dffc-40ac-917b-d26ec648a0bd-4 00:45:12.282 --> 00:45:15.835 workloads that are sitting in M365. But actually there's a 1e41c060-dffc-40ac-917b-d26ec648a0bd-5 00:45:15.835 --> 00:45:19.689 huge amount of work up front in terms of planning and discovery 1e41c060-dffc-40ac-917b-d26ec648a0bd-6 00:45:19.689 --> 00:45:23.663 across those source environments that you're looking at. So Quest 1e41c060-dffc-40ac-917b-d26ec648a0bd-7 00:45:23.663 --> 00:45:27.396 have actually developed some bespoke, not commercial, off the 1e41c060-dffc-40ac-917b-d26ec648a0bd-8 00:45:27.396 --> 00:45:28.239 shelf software 5b1962ba-0054-4267-bea9-631e59fbd4ae-0 00:45:28.320 --> 00:45:32.585 with the service wrapper to do detailed discovery on network 5b1962ba-0054-4267-bea9-631e59fbd4ae-1 00:45:32.585 --> 00:45:36.152 estates, SharePoint environments, source Microsoft 5b1962ba-0054-4267-bea9-631e59fbd4ae-2 00:45:36.152 --> 00:45:40.697 365 tenants. And that discovery has done at a metadata level and 5b1962ba-0054-4267-bea9-631e59fbd4ae-3 00:45:40.697 --> 00:45:44.544 at a sensitive content level. And we've developed some 5b1962ba-0054-4267-bea9-631e59fbd4ae-4 00:45:44.544 --> 00:45:49.089 specialised profiles to look at specific NHS type data, so those 5b1962ba-0054-4267-bea9-631e59fbd4ae-5 00:45:49.089 --> 00:45:53.145 trusts can make some really informed decisions about what 5b1962ba-0054-4267-bea9-631e59fbd4ae-6 00:45:53.145 --> 00:45:57.341 that migration design looks like and how they might want to 5b1962ba-0054-4267-bea9-631e59fbd4ae-7 00:45:57.341 --> 00:45:58.880 deliver that migration edb6406d-565a-46a8-ae3e-880d674f0207-0 00:45:58.970 --> 00:46:02.324 and what goes where. And that's proved really successful in a edb6406d-565a-46a8-ae3e-880d674f0207-1 00:46:02.324 --> 00:46:05.624 number of trusts. We've probably about 20 to 30 trusts we've edb6406d-565a-46a8-ae3e-880d674f0207-2 00:46:05.624 --> 00:46:08.816 worked with to do that initial discovery piece before they edb6406d-565a-46a8-ae3e-880d674f0207-3 00:46:08.816 --> 00:46:10.710 embark on that migration activity. 4f032098-a8d9-4075-96ad-3d09a2dc8477-0 00:46:12.290 --> 00:46:15.867 That's delivered as a as a fixed service wrap based on the amount 4f032098-a8d9-4075-96ad-3d09a2dc8477-1 00:46:15.867 --> 00:46:17.440 of data that we're analysing. 851417ad-3261-429d-9cc8-26d66c275729-0 00:46:18.800 --> 00:46:23.572 And again you know we offer the core uh migration services, so 851417ad-3261-429d-9cc8-26d66c275729-1 00:46:23.572 --> 00:46:27.890 any environment from Exchange file shares, SharePoint on 851417ad-3261-429d-9cc8-26d66c275729-2 00:46:27.890 --> 00:46:32.739 premise, Microsoft 365 tenants, other enterprise sync and share 851417ad-3261-429d-9cc8-26d66c275729-3 00:46:32.739 --> 00:46:37.057 systems like Box, Dropbox, Google Drives is covered by a 851417ad-3261-429d-9cc8-26d66c275729-4 00:46:37.057 --> 00:46:41.905 selection of our tooling. We've also recently had our exchange, 851417ad-3261-429d-9cc8-26d66c275729-5 00:46:41.905 --> 00:46:46.451 sorry our e-mail archiving solution software assured by NHS 851417ad-3261-429d-9cc8-26d66c275729-6 00:46:46.451 --> 00:46:49.330 Digital as well. So we can take those 6efd3f15-d271-48d5-a08b-727823927a1e-0 00:46:49.400 --> 00:46:53.308 archives that might be sitting in something like Quest Archive 6efd3f15-d271-48d5-a08b-727823927a1e-1 00:46:53.308 --> 00:46:57.217 Manager or Semantic Enterprise vault into the NHS share tenant 6efd3f15-d271-48d5-a08b-727823927a1e-2 00:46:57.217 --> 00:47:00.940 Exchange loan archive. So and extreme amount of flexibility 6efd3f15-d271-48d5-a08b-727823927a1e-3 00:47:00.940 --> 00:47:05.035 again working with partners such as BDS or with ourselves or with 6efd3f15-d271-48d5-a08b-727823927a1e-4 00:47:05.035 --> 00:47:08.200 other resellers to develop this programme of work. e08f8277-62b5-4c47-9b20-9db93572029a-0 00:47:10.010 --> 00:47:13.566 Best thing to do in terms of getting in contact with us is, e08f8277-62b5-4c47-9b20-9db93572029a-1 00:47:13.566 --> 00:47:17.300 is is obviously Chris says first of all talk to NHS Digital to e08f8277-62b5-4c47-9b20-9db93572029a-2 00:47:17.300 --> 00:47:20.915 define how you might want to deliver this migration and then e08f8277-62b5-4c47-9b20-9db93572029a-3 00:47:20.915 --> 00:47:24.294 reach out to me directly lead.watsonquest.com and we can e08f8277-62b5-4c47-9b20-9db93572029a-4 00:47:24.294 --> 00:47:28.028 have a technical discovery call to understand the environment, e08f8277-62b5-4c47-9b20-9db93572029a-5 00:47:28.028 --> 00:47:31.465 the estate and how you want to plan this migration moving e08f8277-62b5-4c47-9b20-9db93572029a-6 00:47:31.465 --> 00:47:31.940 forward. ab233930-393f-4d11-a60b-88ca1a57aac5-0 00:47:33.260 --> 00:47:34.580 But that was it for me, Chris. 1ec738f4-2462-4d0d-a129-a20f8ee3c4d6-0 00:47:35.530 --> 00:47:39.354 Perfect. Again, thanks very much Lee, really informative and a 1ec738f4-2462-4d0d-a129-a20f8ee3c4d6-1 00:47:39.354 --> 00:47:43.299 big thanks to to everyone who's presented from the the different 1ec738f4-2462-4d0d-a129-a20f8ee3c4d6-2 00:47:43.299 --> 00:47:47.123 partners today. And I think the information will be useful not 1ec738f4-2462-4d0d-a129-a20f8ee3c4d6-3 00:47:47.123 --> 00:47:50.704 only to those who are on the call, but we are recording it 1ec738f4-2462-4d0d-a129-a20f8ee3c4d6-4 00:47:50.704 --> 00:47:54.528 and and sharing it at a later date. So it will be available on 1ec738f4-2462-4d0d-a129-a20f8ee3c4d6-5 00:47:54.528 --> 00:47:58.231 the support site and in various teams channels. So hopefully 1ec738f4-2462-4d0d-a129-a20f8ee3c4d6-6 00:47:58.231 --> 00:48:01.691 it'll provide quite a bit of useful info to quite a wide 1ec738f4-2462-4d0d-a129-a20f8ee3c4d6-7 00:48:01.691 --> 00:48:05.454 audience. So thanks very much to all of you. We'll move on to 1ec738f4-2462-4d0d-a129-a20f8ee3c4d6-8 00:48:05.454 --> 00:48:06.789 almost the last slide. ee47f7ea-0353-4974-91aa-4dcca6b21bb1-0 00:48:06.900 --> 00:48:10.906 So it's just about a recap of how to get started. So as I said ee47f7ea-0353-4974-91aa-4dcca6b21bb1-1 00:48:10.906 --> 00:48:14.405 at the start and as the suppliers have said before you ee47f7ea-0353-4974-91aa-4dcca6b21bb1-2 00:48:14.405 --> 00:48:18.221 speak to a managed migration partner or tooling partner, if ee47f7ea-0353-4974-91aa-4dcca6b21bb1-3 00:48:18.221 --> 00:48:22.037 you could please contact us first at the rather long e-mail ee47f7ea-0353-4974-91aa-4dcca6b21bb1-4 00:48:22.037 --> 00:48:25.853 address linked above. It's just so we can discuss what your ee47f7ea-0353-4974-91aa-4dcca6b21bb1-5 00:48:25.853 --> 00:48:29.669 requirements and intentions might be as far as moving on to ee47f7ea-0353-4974-91aa-4dcca6b21bb1-6 00:48:29.669 --> 00:48:32.468 the platform. It's not mandatory, but it is ee47f7ea-0353-4974-91aa-4dcca6b21bb1-7 00:48:32.468 --> 00:48:35.966 recommended. So we can obviously give guidance and and ee47f7ea-0353-4974-91aa-4dcca6b21bb1-8 00:48:35.966 --> 00:48:37.620 information and and advice 54ac42bc-9fb4-4c4d-9448-9fe4251667cb-0 00:48:37.690 --> 00:48:40.867 basically and understand what you might be looking to bring 54ac42bc-9fb4-4c4d-9448-9fe4251667cb-1 00:48:40.867 --> 00:48:44.098 on. And once you've done that, obviously you can contact any 54ac42bc-9fb4-4c4d-9448-9fe4251667cb-2 00:48:44.098 --> 00:48:46.800 one of the the partners that have presented today. 67aa1332-ba89-4484-b38e-6d15d3295707-0 00:48:47.660 --> 00:48:50.894 So that does bring us to a Q&A section of the 67aa1332-ba89-4484-b38e-6d15d3295707-1 00:48:50.894 --> 00:48:54.840 presentation. I mean it was fairly comprehensive. So I don't 67aa1332-ba89-4484-b38e-6d15d3295707-2 00:48:54.840 --> 00:48:58.850 know if anyone does have any questions. If they do, feel free 67aa1332-ba89-4484-b38e-6d15d3295707-3 00:48:58.850 --> 00:49:02.214 to put the hands. If this has been more than enough 67aa1332-ba89-4484-b38e-6d15d3295707-4 00:49:02.214 --> 00:49:06.289 information and you want to go away, review the slide deck and 67aa1332-ba89-4484-b38e-6d15d3295707-5 00:49:06.289 --> 00:49:10.300 the recording at a later date, that's absolutely fine. Or you 67aa1332-ba89-4484-b38e-6d15d3295707-6 00:49:10.300 --> 00:49:14.246 can contact us at the e-mail address above. So I will give a 67aa1332-ba89-4484-b38e-6d15d3295707-7 00:49:14.246 --> 00:49:17.933 few seconds just to see if anyone does want to raise any 67aa1332-ba89-4484-b38e-6d15d3295707-8 00:49:17.933 --> 00:49:18.579 questions. 69517848-0273-40ff-b1f5-4e03472bad91-0 00:49:21.470 --> 00:49:21.860 Tina, 33223a65-e491-492b-89fe-bf35b9f2005c-0 00:49:23.380 --> 00:49:27.213 why we currently have our own on premise exchange with our own 33223a65-e491-492b-89fe-bf35b9f2005c-1 00:49:27.213 --> 00:49:30.864 address and we've been looking at obviously the benefits of 33223a65-e491-492b-89fe-bf35b9f2005c-2 00:49:30.864 --> 00:49:34.394 either going to the shared tenant or going to our own own 33223a65-e491-492b-89fe-bf35b9f2005c-3 00:49:34.394 --> 00:49:34.819 tenant, 3e6dc9ad-482e-46e2-a592-2ae4f9ebe295-0 00:49:35.560 --> 00:49:37.989 what limitations are there currently with the shared one 3e6dc9ad-482e-46e2-a592-2ae4f9ebe295-1 00:49:37.989 --> 00:49:40.546 because we've been looking at whether the telephony options 3e6dc9ad-482e-46e2-a592-2ae4f9ebe295-2 00:49:40.546 --> 00:49:43.189 are available yet within the shared and I don't believe there 3e6dc9ad-482e-46e2-a592-2ae4f9ebe295-3 00:49:43.189 --> 00:49:44.340 are. Is that still the case a8bac4e1-4297-46c4-82d2-1d7d2c02e4ce-0 00:49:47.300 --> 00:49:50.815 as far as the technical capabilities are wondering Matt, a8bac4e1-4297-46c4-82d2-1d7d2c02e4ce-1 00:49:50.815 --> 00:49:53.960 is there an update on telephony that you can give, da3b6fb8-f767-4149-8335-1a7571050db7-0 00:49:55.540 --> 00:49:59.726 so the telephony project is ongoing at the moment. It is a I da3b6fb8-f767-4149-8335-1a7571050db7-1 00:49:59.726 --> 00:50:03.844 think it's either a 12 or a 16 week delivery, um some early da3b6fb8-f767-4149-8335-1a7571050db7-2 00:50:03.844 --> 00:50:07.824 pilot opt adopter organisations will be contacted if they da3b6fb8-f767-4149-8335-1a7571050db7-3 00:50:07.824 --> 00:50:12.148 haven't been already. But yes, it's a piece of work that we've da3b6fb8-f767-4149-8335-1a7571050db7-4 00:50:12.148 --> 00:50:16.197 started and it is due for targeted general availability in da3b6fb8-f767-4149-8335-1a7571050db7-5 00:50:16.197 --> 00:50:17.090 Q1 next year, 9cb504d8-41bc-4d85-8d40-692b4c02b6c5-0 00:50:17.980 --> 00:50:20.711 fantastic. And I presume that would obviously be because 9cb504d8-41bc-4d85-8d40-692b4c02b6c5-1 00:50:20.711 --> 00:50:23.442 obviously you get the first level of the licencing free, 9cb504d8-41bc-4d85-8d40-692b4c02b6c5-2 00:50:23.442 --> 00:50:26.317 don't you, with the shared tenancy and then you pay for the 9cb504d8-41bc-4d85-8d40-692b4c02b6c5-3 00:50:26.317 --> 00:50:29.336 add-ons or or bolt ONS. So that would be a Bolton we'd need to 9cb504d8-41bc-4d85-8d40-692b4c02b6c5-4 00:50:29.336 --> 00:50:32.019 pay for, wouldn't it? Yeah, you'd need the phone system 9cb504d8-41bc-4d85-8d40-692b4c02b6c5-5 00:50:32.019 --> 00:50:35.038 licence as a minimum. And then depending on if you're going to 9cb504d8-41bc-4d85-8d40-692b4c02b6c5-6 00:50:35.038 --> 00:50:37.960 want to go down the Calling Plans or whether you're going to 9cb504d8-41bc-4d85-8d40-692b4c02b6c5-7 00:50:37.960 --> 00:50:40.692 want with direct Connect and bring your own supplier the 9cb504d8-41bc-4d85-8d40-692b4c02b6c5-8 00:50:40.692 --> 00:50:43.710 Calling Plans you'll need to buy calling plan minutes to cover 9cb504d8-41bc-4d85-8d40-692b4c02b6c5-9 00:50:43.710 --> 00:50:46.298 your calls. Direct Connect you'll obviously have that 9cb504d8-41bc-4d85-8d40-692b4c02b6c5-10 00:50:46.298 --> 00:50:48.790 contract with that supplier. So it depends on which 5947b280-f446-4b2e-84d5-412c6c0149c2-0 00:50:48.890 --> 00:50:51.856 those two options you will end up choosing, but both options 5947b280-f446-4b2e-84d5-412c6c0149c2-1 00:50:51.856 --> 00:50:55.016 are on the road map for us to be delivering. One may be slightly 5947b280-f446-4b2e-84d5-412c6c0149c2-2 00:50:55.016 --> 00:50:57.642 quicker than the other, but that will come out of the 5947b280-f446-4b2e-84d5-412c6c0149c2-3 00:50:57.642 --> 00:51:00.559 implementation and design phases we're going through at the 5947b280-f446-4b2e-84d5-412c6c0149c2-4 00:51:00.559 --> 00:51:00.900 moment. 3d0411dd-6e0a-405b-8745-43e07bae8637-0 00:51:01.980 --> 00:51:05.423 Fantastic. Thank you. No problem. Thanks Matt. Thanks 3d0411dd-6e0a-405b-8745-43e07bae8637-1 00:51:05.423 --> 00:51:09.504 Tina. I can see Peter's question in the chat and Matt again you 3d0411dd-6e0a-405b-8745-43e07bae8637-2 00:51:09.504 --> 00:51:13.138 might be the best place to answer that one because it is 3d0411dd-6e0a-405b-8745-43e07bae8637-3 00:51:13.138 --> 00:51:16.518 around migrating security groups, which is obviously 3d0411dd-6e0a-405b-8745-43e07bae8637-4 00:51:16.518 --> 00:51:20.344 something I think we're working on, isn't it? Yes, security 3d0411dd-6e0a-405b-8745-43e07bae8637-5 00:51:20.344 --> 00:51:23.532 groups is something we're working on. We've had a 3d0411dd-6e0a-405b-8745-43e07bae8637-6 00:51:23.532 --> 00:51:27.358 hindrance in the way that we can provide the RBAC for that. 3d0411dd-6e0a-405b-8745-43e07bae8637-7 00:51:27.358 --> 00:51:31.439 Unfortunately natively it is not there yet. So we are having to 3d0411dd-6e0a-405b-8745-43e07bae8637-8 00:51:31.439 --> 00:51:32.460 create something 97a8c2ab-65de-4f26-b03b-a8897f19dde3-0 00:51:32.570 --> 00:51:35.661 spoke to ensure that you can create and manage your own 97a8c2ab-65de-4f26-b03b-a8897f19dde3-1 00:51:35.661 --> 00:51:39.083 security groups, but I can't come along and add somebody else 97a8c2ab-65de-4f26-b03b-a8897f19dde3-2 00:51:39.083 --> 00:51:42.395 into them without it being there. So the ownership and that 97a8c2ab-65de-4f26-b03b-a8897f19dde3-3 00:51:42.395 --> 00:51:45.541 is maintained within the organisation. So we've designed 97a8c2ab-65de-4f26-b03b-a8897f19dde3-4 00:51:45.541 --> 00:51:48.964 and we're just finishing our designs at the moment around how 97a8c2ab-65de-4f26-b03b-a8897f19dde3-5 00:51:48.964 --> 00:51:52.607 we can provide that as a bespoke capability to you, which we will 97a8c2ab-65de-4f26-b03b-a8897f19dde3-6 00:51:52.607 --> 00:51:54.760 then implement. That is likely to be a 568aa5cd-4e8a-4eb5-a3c8-6a756205dc0e-0 00:51:55.420 --> 00:51:58.190 Q2 next calendar year. 9bc425ec-b0ac-46f2-8f48-8b95f5f02aa2-0 00:51:59.590 --> 00:52:02.995 Thanks, Matt. Peter, if that doesn't answer your question, if 9bc425ec-b0ac-46f2-8f48-8b95f5f02aa2-1 00:52:02.995 --> 00:52:06.181 you wouldn't mind emailing a more in depth, um summary of 9bc425ec-b0ac-46f2-8f48-8b95f5f02aa2-2 00:52:06.181 --> 00:52:09.312 what you're asking into the migrations mailbox and we'll 9bc425ec-b0ac-46f2-8f48-8b95f5f02aa2-3 00:52:09.312 --> 00:52:10.850 pick that one up separately. 40fed69b-8239-436b-91ca-f599741cb4fb-0 00:52:12.480 --> 00:52:17.558 Is there anyone else who wants to ask any questions before we 40fed69b-8239-436b-91ca-f599741cb4fb-1 00:52:17.558 --> 00:52:19.360 look to wrap things up ccef8cc1-aecc-4f73-abfc-fc3f0aac9b78-0 00:52:22.990 --> 00:52:26.937 That's great and case we'll move on to the final slide which is ccef8cc1-aecc-4f73-abfc-fc3f0aac9b78-1 00:52:26.937 --> 00:52:30.762 just really a thank you to those who have attended, those who ccef8cc1-aecc-4f73-abfc-fc3f0aac9b78-2 00:52:30.762 --> 00:52:34.339 presented and and yeah it's been hopefully useful for for ccef8cc1-aecc-4f73-abfc-fc3f0aac9b78-3 00:52:34.339 --> 00:52:38.287 everyone listening in this. Like I said we'll be shared at some ccef8cc1-aecc-4f73-abfc-fc3f0aac9b78-4 00:52:38.287 --> 00:52:41.741 point soon on the support site and various channels. So ccef8cc1-aecc-4f73-abfc-fc3f0aac9b78-5 00:52:41.741 --> 00:52:45.566 hopefully we'll we'll get some further questions and interest ccef8cc1-aecc-4f73-abfc-fc3f0aac9b78-6 00:52:45.566 --> 00:52:49.390 in the the mailbox, so we can start having some conversations ccef8cc1-aecc-4f73-abfc-fc3f0aac9b78-7 00:52:49.390 --> 00:52:53.276 with organisations that might already be on tenant and want to ccef8cc1-aecc-4f73-abfc-fc3f0aac9b78-8 00:52:53.276 --> 00:52:53.769 bring in 70e4bbc8-a215-4406-93a1-7fbec1ac5cd6-0 00:52:53.840 --> 00:52:57.613 OneDrive, SharePoint data etcetera. All those that are on 70e4bbc8-a215-4406-93a1-7fbec1ac5cd6-1 00:52:57.613 --> 00:52:58.720 their own on Prem 8a25533d-630d-4aab-bcfc-228a89d1cf1d-0 00:53:00.120 --> 00:53:03.614 domains and want to look at joining NHSL, you're always 8a25533d-630d-4aab-bcfc-228a89d1cf1d-1 00:53:03.614 --> 00:53:07.296 welcome. So just start the conversation off with us in the 8a25533d-630d-4aab-bcfc-228a89d1cf1d-2 00:53:07.296 --> 00:53:11.165 migrations mailbox and hopefully we'll hear from you soon. So 8a25533d-630d-4aab-bcfc-228a89d1cf1d-3 00:53:11.165 --> 00:53:14.410 thanks everyone for joining and speak to you later. bde44c07-b3bf-4523-b62e-2ad05d4bb909-0 00:53:15.640 --> 00:53:17.430 Thanks, Chris. Thanks, Chris. bda91749-301e-4809-b535-03658e06a6c4-0 00:53:18.520 --> 00:53:19.200 Thanks everyone. 30056895-d0b9-4cba-a102-b980ca0afd0a-0 00:53:20.250 --> 00:53:21.370 Thanks. Thank you all. db5461ef-50ef-4403-b681-1dfc4c632963-0 00:53:22.720 --> 00:53:23.740 Thank you, that was useful.